
Pricing plan with credit card payment details

This is an example of a pricing plan with credit card payment details, designed using CSS, HTML, and Bootstrap framework 4. The card images are imported to the code using their URLs. The form is given a background color of #e6ebf4. The information card is given a box-shadow of 5px 6px 6px 2px #e9ecef. The heading of the form is displayed using a font-size of 23px. The subtitle is displayed using the styles of font-size as 16px, font-weight as 500, and font color as #b1b6bd. The pricing section is given a border style of 2px solid #304FFE and the price is displayed using a font-size of 50px. The CVV and email input text fields are given a border style of 2px solid #eee, which turns to 2px solid #304FFE, in a focus event. The 'Payment' button is created as a primary type button and given a font-size of 20px. Source:

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