
Our services card with folding hover effect

This is an example of Our Services cards with a folding hover effect, designed using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap framework 4. The form consists of three Our Services cards. The body of the form is given a background color as #000000. The card title is given a font color as #ec5626, whereas the card content section is given the styles of color as #ec5626, and text-align as center. In a hover event, the content text takes a font color as #000000. The service cards are given the styles of padding as 60px 30px, position as relative, font-size as 100%, color as #999, background as transparent, transition as all ease .5s, and border as 1px solid #ec5626. In a hover event, the background color of the card turns to #ec5626. The folded corner takes the styles of color as #000, and transform as scale(1.5), in a hover event. Source:

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