
Testimonial Card Layout

This is an example of a testimonial card layout, designed using CSS, Html, and Bootstrap framework 4. The testimonial card consists of the profile image, profile details sections, and a navbar to scroll through user details, user email id, and web page. The profile image and logo are imported to the code with its URL. The image is given height and a width of 200. The form is given a background color of #d7ccc8. The details are justified and centered. The user name is displayed using a letter-spacing of 15px, and two font colors: #bcaaa4 to display the surname and #d7ccc8 to display the first name. The designation of the user is displayed using a letter-spacing of 5px. The content section is displayed with a font color of #8d6e63. The bottom section of the testimonial card consists of a navbar, created using toggle buttons. Source:

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