
Our Services Layout

This is another example of an Our Services layout, designed using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap framework 4. The fonts are imported to the code with its URL. The services card is given the styles of position as relative, padding as 35px 15px, text-align as center, and border as 2px solid #efefee, whereas the inner icon box has the styles of position as relative, font-size as 60px, color as #009dea, line-height as1em, and margin-bottom as 20px. The title of the services card is given the styles of color as #222222, font-size as 18px, font-weight as 600, and margin-bottom as 15px. In a hover event, the title changes its color to #009dea. The content section of the card has the styles of font color as #888888, font-size as 14px, and line-height as 1.8em. In a hover event over the service card, and outer layer with the background color of rgba(0,0,0,0.80), and opacity of 1, and a transform value of perspective(400px) rotateX(0deg), gets displayed over the inner card. Source:

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