
Login/ Register Form

This is an example of a message inbox layout, designed using CSS, HTML, and Bootstrap framework 4. The font-style and avatar images are imported to the code with their URLs. The 'Search' and 'Settings' buttons are created as info type buttons. Each conversation section is given a border-bottom style of 1px solid #ddd. The time of each message is displayed using a font color of #bfbfbf. The heading of the message sections is displayed using the styles of font color as #003bb3, and font-weight as 700. The message date is given a border-bottom style of 1px solid #ddd. The 'Send Message' button is created as a success type button. The avatar images in the conversation section are given a height and width of 50px, whereas the images in the message section are given a height and width of 32px. Source:

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