
Login form with information text

This is an example of a login form with information text, designed using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap framework 4. The body of the form is given a font color of #000, and a background color as linear-gradient(to right, #D500F9, #FFD54F). The input text fields are given the styles of background-color as #F3E5F5, border-radius as 50px to get the circle shape, padding as 12px 15px 12px 15px, box-sizing as border-box, border as 1px solid #F3E5F5, font-size as 16px, font color as #000, and font-weight as 400. The input fields take a border effect of 1px solid #D500F9 and a font-weight of 400. The form is divided into two cards and the right side card is given a background color of linear-gradient(to right, #FFD54F, #D500F9). The input field label is displayed using a font size of 12px. The cursor style for the buttons is set as pointer to get the hand cursor effect in a hover event. Media quarries are used to make the form more responsive. Source:

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