
Food Menu Layout

This is an example of another restaurant food menu layout, designed using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap framework 4. The fonts, Bootstrap and CSS styles are imported to the code with the URLs. The menu items are added to a table layout. The menu item description section is given the styles of padding-right as 5px, font-family as 'Roboto Condensed', sans-serif, font-weight as bold, text-align as left, font-size as 20px, display as table-cell, width as 10%, line-height as 15px, and text-align as left. The dotted line is given the styles of display as table-cell, width as 88%, and border-bottom as 1px dotted #000. The menu item names are added as links in HTML, to be redirected into an external page. The section of the menu item has the styles of text-align as left, font-size as 24px, color as #F44334, and font-weight as 600. Source:

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