
Facebook style gallery

This is an example of a Facebook type image gallery layout, designed using Html, CSS, and Bootstrap framework 4. It can be used to display a set of images, similar to the image gallery layout given on Facebook. The images are imported to the code with their URLs. The body of the form is given the styles of background-color as #e9ebee, and font color as #1d2129. The page/ band name is displayed using the font color of #365899., font-size of .9rem, and font-weight of 700. The post text is displayed using a font size of .875rem. The header section is given a style set of width as 100%, height as 48px, background-color as #4267b2, and font color as #fff. The images are displayed in a grid layout where the grid-gap is defined as 5px. The input text field is given a font-size of .785rem. Source:

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