
Carousel with Search

This is an example of a web form with a responsive image slider with a search bar with three input search, designed using HTML, and CSS. The bootstrap styles and images are imported to the form with their URLs. A carousel class has been used to implement the image slider and a button class has been used to implement the buttons. The search placeholders are given the styles of display as block, width as 100%, font-size as 0.875rem, line-height as 1.5, color as #55595c, background-color as #fff, border as 1px solid #ccc, height as calc(3rem + 2px) !important, and border-radius as 0. The search button has the styles of width as 100%, font-size as 16px, font-weight as 400, text-transform as capitalize to make the first letter of the text uppercase, height as calc(3rem + 2px) !important, and border-radius as 0 whereas the background color for the search section is set as #1A4668.

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