
Bootstrap Signup Form

This is an example of a simple web signup form, designed using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap framework 4. The CSS and Bootstrap styles are imported to the code with their URLs. The color graph section is given a background color of #c4e17f, and a border radius of 5px. It is given a linear gradient background image of linear-gradient(to right, #c4e17f, #c4e17f 12.5%, #f7fdca 12.5%, #f7fdca 25%, #fecf71 25%, #fecf71 37.5%, #f0776c 37.5%, #f0776c 50%, #db9dbe 50%, #db9dbe 62.5%, #c49cde 62.5%, #c49cde 75%, #669ae1 75%, #669ae1 87.5%, #62c2e4 87.5%, #62c2e4). The form is given two primary type buttons to Register and Sign in. The text areas of the input fields are given the value True to hide the default text, when in active mode. Source:

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