This is another template for a web form with animated navigational tabs, designed using CSS and HTML. The tabs take a fill effect in hover and clicked events. Bootstrap styles have been imported to the code. The Li element of lists has been used to display the buttons in a list and the element tab panel has been used to avoid styling more than one tab at a time. The form background has been given the color of #eee. The tabs are initially given the styles of padding as 10px 15px, font size as 16px, font-weight as 700, font color as #999, border-radius as 50px to make them circular, and position as relative. In a hover or a clicked event, the tabs get filled with #ffa399 color and change the font color to #fff. The tab content section is given the styles of padding as 5px 20px, font size as 14px, line-height as 25px, font color as #686868, and text-align as left.

Tab style 13

This is another example of a web form with animated navigational tabs and a tab panel, designed using CSS and HTML. The tab panel buttons act as radio buttons in a clicked event. Bootstrap styles have been imported to the code. The Li element of lists has been used to display the buttons in a list and the element tab panel has been used to avoid styling more than one tab at a time. The border of the panel is set with 5px solid #593082 The tabs are initially given the styles of padding as 10px, border as 2px solid #593082, margin as 0 5px 30px 0, font size as 20px, font-weight as 700, font color as #593082, background color as #fff, text-align as center, text-transform as uppercase to automatically transform it to uppercase, and position as relative In a clicked event, the panel button takes the color of #aee800 with a box shadow of 0 0 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25) and a transformation value of scale(2) .The tab content section is given the styles of padding as 20px, font size as 15px, line-height as 30px, background color as #fff, and the font color as #7a9181. The transition value for the effect is set as all 0.3s ease.

Tab style 12

This is another template for a web form with animated navigational tabs, designed using CSS and HTML. The buttons take both a color transform and a pointer effect in hover and clicked events. Bootstrap styles have been imported to the code. The Li element of lists has been used to display the buttons in a list and the element tab panel has been used to avoid styling more than one tab at a time. The tabs are initially given a border-bottom of 2px solid #e8e8e8. It has the styles of padding as 10px 20px, margin as 0 5px 1px 0, font size as 20px, font-weight as 700, background color as #fff, font color as #112529, text-align as center, text-transform as uppercase to automatically transform it to uppercase, and position as relative. In a clicked event, the tab takes the color of #198df8 and points at the content section. The tab content section is given the styles of padding as 30px 20px 20px, font size as 15px, line-height as 25px, border-radius as 0 0 5px 5px, background color as #fff, and text color as #7a9181.

Tab style 11

This is another example of a web form with animated navigational tabs and a tab panel, designed using CSS and HTML. Both tab and tab panel takes a fill effect in a clicked event. Bootstrap styles have been imported to the code. The Li element of lists has been used to display the buttons in a list and the element tab panel has been used to avoid styling more than one tab at a time. The tabs are initially given the styles of padding as 7px 15px, margin as 0 0 25px 0, font size as 20px, font-weight as 700, font color as #523f38, background color as #fff, border as 1px solid #d3d3d3, text-transform as uppercase to automatically transform it to uppercase, and position as relative. The tab buttons get filled with the color #3ea1b3 in a clicked event whereas the tab panel buttons get filled with #ec9a29.The tab content section is given the styles of padding as 10px 15px, font size as 15px, line-height as 30px, background color as #fff, and the font color as #777. The transition value for the effect is set as all 0.3s ease 0s.

Tab style 10

This is another example of a web form with animated navigational tabs, designed using CSS and HTML. The buttons take a fill effect in two colors in a clicked event. Bootstrap styles have been imported to the code. The Li element of lists has been used to display the buttons in a list and the element tab panel has been used to avoid styling more than one tab at a time. The tabs are initially given the styles of padding as 20px 30px, margin as 0 10px 0 0, font size as 18px, font-weight as 700, font color as #000, background color as #fcfcfc, border as 1px solid #eee, text-transform as uppercase to automatically transform it to uppercase, and position as relative. The tab content section is given the styles of padding as 20px 40px, font size as 15px, letter-spacing as 1px, line-height as 30px, background color as #cdb230, and a border as 7px double #000. In a clicked event, the tab first gets filled with #333 color with a transition value of all 0.8s ease-out 0s and then with #000 with a transition value of all 0.4s ease-in 0.3s

Tab style 9

This is another template for a web form with animated navigational tabs, designed using CSS and HTML. The buttons take both a color transform and a select effect in hover and clicked events. Bootstrap styles have been imported to the code. The Li element of lists has been used to display the buttons in a list and the element tab panel has been used to avoid styling more than one tab at a time. The tabs are initially given the styles of padding as 5px 10px, margin as 0 10px 20px 0, font size as 20px, font-weight as 700, font color as #444bba, text-transform as uppercase to automatically transform it to uppercase, and position as relative. In a hover and clicked event, the tab takes the color of #e16a46The tab content section is given the styles of padding as 15px, font size as 15px, letter-spacing as 1px, line-height as 25px, background color as #e16a46, border of 5px dashed #fff and text color as #fff.

Tab style 8
