
Tab style 8

This is another template for a web form with animated navigational tabs, designed using CSS and HTML. The buttons take both a color transform and a select effect in hover and clicked events. Bootstrap styles have been imported to the code. The Li element of lists has been used to display the buttons in a list and the element tab panel has been used to avoid styling more than one tab at a time. The tabs are initially given the styles of padding as 5px 10px, margin as 0 10px 20px 0, font size as 20px, font-weight as 700, font color as #444bba, text-transform as uppercase to automatically transform it to uppercase, and position as relative. In a hover and clicked event, the tab takes the color of #e16a46The tab content section is given the styles of padding as 15px, font size as 15px, letter-spacing as 1px, line-height as 25px, background color as #e16a46, border of 5px dashed #fff and text color as #fff.

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