
User Profile Card

This is an example of a simple user profile card with hover effects, designed using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap framework 4. The image is imported to the code with its URL, whereas media quarries are used to increase the responsiveness of the form. The body of the form is given the styles of min-height as 100vh, and a linear background as linear-gradient(transparent, rgba( 110, 110, 110, .3)), linear-gradient(100deg, rgba(250, 214, 195, .8) 30%, #B0EAE8 120%). The profile card header is given the styles of background as #272727, border-left as 0.625rem solid #97ece1, padding: 1.5em 1.5em 1em, and text-align as center. The image card container is given the styles of display as block, width, and height as 9.5rem, background as rgba(250, 214, 195, 1), and border as 0.375rem solid rgba(250, 214, 195, 1). The image is given a grayscale filter. The profile header title has the styles of color as #f3f3f3, font-size as 1.5rem, margin-top as 0.8em, and font-family as 'Oswald', sans-serif. The paw and heart icons are given a transform style of scale(1.2), in a hover event. The Full Adoption Profile link takes the styles of border-top-color as #222, and border-bottom-color as #fdc1a0, in a hover event. Source:

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