
Timeline style 4

This is another template of a timeline view in a list view, designed with HTML and CSS. The body of the timeline is designed with CSS with its values set as font-family to ‘Nunito Sans', sans-serif, position to relative, color to #fff, min-height to 150px, display as block, and a padding of 20px 20px 20px 150px. . Each timeline label has been assigned a linear gradient color combination of #6C4ADC and #9C36BA, #E81C7E and #9C36BA, #E81C7E and #EE5167, #FA964A and #EE5167, respectively. The title of the label is given a style set of font size as 22px, font-weight as 800, and text transform as uppercase to convert the text to uppercase. The label description has been given a style set of font size as 15px and color of #666. The font size of the main timeline title is set as 18px. The icons have been imported to the form with the CSS framework Font Awesome.

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