

This is an example of a bootstrap web form with a swiper slider, designed using JavaScript, CSS, bootstrap framework 4 and HTML. The images and bootstrap styles are imported to the code with their URLs, whereas the swiper feature had been implemented using JavaScript. The swiper is given the styles of background-size as cover, background-position as 50%, min-height as 80vh, display as flex, align-items as center, justify-content as center, and flex-direction as column. The pagination dots are given the styles of background-color as transparent, border as 2px solid #fff, border-radius as 50% to get the circle shape, width as 12px, height as 12px, and opacity as 1. When the dots are active, they take the background-color #fff. The swiper buttons are given the background color as rgba(0,0,0,.25). The loop value is set as true in JavaScript to run the swiper in a loop. Source:

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