
Single column service with Image

This is an example of a single column bootstrap service card layout, designed using CSS, HTML, and bootstrap 4 framework. The image and fonts are imported to the code with their URLs. The web form is given the styles of font-family as "Montserrat", sans-serif, background color of #8d97ad, and font-weight as 300. The h1 to h6 sections are given a color of #3e4555 and a font-weight of 500. The text-info section is given a font color of #188ef4, whereas the "build your project" section s given the font color #1dc8cd. The card image is given a shadow style of box-shadow: 0px 0px 30px rgba(115, 128, 157, 0.3). The view details button has the styles of padding as 15px 45px, font-size as 16px, and background color of #188ef4 and also the linear gradient color of that, for the browsers that support linear gradient colors. It changes its color to #316ce8, in a hover event.

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