
Sign Up form with Card

This is an example of a web signup/sign in form designed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Signup and sign in options have been given using toggle buttons. JavaScript functions ready(function() and click(function() have been used to implement the toggle feature. The background of the body is set as #FAF3EC and the font family as 'Roboto'. The color of input placeholders is set as #748194 to work on different browsers. The background picture is added to the form with its URL imported and given the styles background-size:300px 400px, background-color:white, width:300px, height:400px, position:absolute, and border-radius:15px 15px 200px 200px. The signup and signup buttons are given a background color of white and cursor as pointer to display the cursor as a hand. The signup and get started buttons have the styles of font-weight: bold, width: 230px, height: 45px, padding: 6px 15px, border-radius: 5px, background: #EE9BA3, color: white, and font-size: 14px. Source:

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