
Scrollable user timeline with time

This is an example of a scrollable timeline with time, designed using CSS, HTML, and Bootstrap framework 4. The form is given a background color as #eee. The timeline card is given the styles of position as relative, display as flex, flex-direction as column, background-color as #fff, border as 1px solid rgba(26, 54, 126, 0.125), and border-radius as .25rem.The timeline is given a height of 100%, a width of 4px, and a background color as #e9ecef. The timeline title has the styles of font-size as .8rem, text-transform as uppercase to convert the first letter of each word to uppercase, margin as 0 0 .5rem, and font-weight as bold. The content section of the timeline is given a font-size as .7619rem, and font color as #adb5bd. A scrollbar is given to scroll through the timeline. The dates are indicated with a set of primary, success, warning, and danger badges, which are defined in the HTML. Source:

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