
Profile image with title and social icons

This is another example of a card layout with a profile image with a title and social icons, designed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The fonts and images are imported to the form with their URLs. JavaScript functions have been used to implement the mouse hover effects. The image card is given they styles of font-family as 'Open Sans', Arial, sans-serif, position as relative, display as inline-block, margin as 10px, min-width as 230px, max-width as 315px, width as 100%, color as #000, text-align as left, font-size as 16px, background as #fff, and border-radius as 5px. The image has the styles of max-width as 35%, margin-top as -15px, margin-left as 60%, margin-bottom as 15px, backface-visibility as hidden, vertical-align as top, and border-radius as 5px. The header inside the image is given a font size of 1.1em and the icons are given the size 1.6rem and the color #ccc. In a hover effect, the icons take the color of #2980b9. Source:

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