
Gradient hover animated button | Welcome in my world

This is an example for another button view with animations designed using CSS and HTML. The background image has been added with the URL of the image. CSS style sheet has been used to implement CSS styles. The color of the animated button is set with a combination of #FF8282 and #E178ED colors. The body is given a style set of width and height: 100%, position: relative, background-blend-mode: exclusion, and background-blend-mode: luminosity. The button is given the styles of margin-top: calc (50% + 25px), position: relative, display: inline-block, width: 277px, height: 50px, text-align: center, text-transform: uppercase, background-color: transparent, cursor: pointer, font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif, font-size: 17px, and letter-spacing: 0.045em. On a focus event, the button will take a transition effect according to web kit-transition: all 600ms ease, transition: all 600ms ease, stroke-dasharray and stroke-dashoffset style sets. Source:

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