
Desktop and mobile layout

This is a template of a simple flat blog layout designed using CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. JavaScript click(function() had been used to implement the switch between two layouts. Bootstrap styles and fonts have been imported into the form by adding their URLs. Background images are also added into the code with the URL. The font family of the form is set as "Pacifico". Variables are used to define values to avoid using values again and again in different places, such as $size: 150px, and $bg:#CDE. The body is given a style set of padding:0 100px 100px, and background-color: $bg !important. The header has the styles of text-align: center, padding: 50px, font-size: 62px, font-family: "Pacifico", @include text-shadow (0 2px 2px darken ($bg,40%)). The article section is given the styles of position:relative, padding-left:$size+30,padding-right: $size/2,height: $size,margin-bottom:30px,background-color:#FFF,@includeborder-radius($size),andcursor: pointer. In a hover event, the image button takes a transformation of transform(rotate(5deg). Source:

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