
Bootstrap Our Team Section

This is another example of a bootstrap card view, designed using HTML, CSS, and bootstrap framework 4. Fonts and images are imported to the code with their URLs. The concept of Lists has been used with the LI component to display the details in an orderly manner. The profile pic is set as img-fluid rounded-circle in HTML. The web form is given the styles of font-family as "Montserrat", sans-serif, background color of #8d97ad, and font-weight as 300. The h1 to h6 sections are given a color of #3e4555 and a font-weight of 500, the subtitle is given the styles of color as #8d97ad, line-height as 24px, and font-size as 13px. The name of the person is given a line-height of 22px, and a font-size of 18px. The list of social media icons is given the styles of color: #8d97ad, and padding-right: 15px, which takes a transformation of translate3d (0px, -5px, 0px), with a transition of 0.1s ease-in and change its color to #316ce8, in a hover event.

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