This is an example of a simple bootstrap profile card, designed using HTML, CSS, and bootstrap framework 4. The images, fonts, and icons are imported to the code with their URLs. The body of the form is given a style set of height as 100vh, display as grid, place-items as center, and background-image as linear-gradient (to top, #f3e7e9 0%, #e3eeff 99%, #e3eeff 100%). The profile card is given a transparent background color of hsla(240, 31%, 25%, 0.7). The card is given four borders as top, right, bottom, left and given border animations accordingly. The animations are slide-in-horizontal 0.8s cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1) forwards, slide-in-vertical 0.8s cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1) forwards, slide-in-horizontal-reverse 0.8s cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1) forwards, and slide-in-vertical-reverse 0.8s cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1) forwards, respectively. The card content is given the font-family style of Lato, sans-serif, and a transform effect of scale(0.6), and a transition effect of bump-in 0.5s 0.8s forwards. The image is given a border-radius of 50% to get the circular shape, whereas the user name is given a font-size of 26px, and animation of fill-text-white 1.2s 2s forwards. Source:

Profile Card

This is an example of a simple bootstrap profile layout, designed using HTML, CSS, and bootstrap framework 4. The images, fonts, and icons are imported to the code with their URLs. The font family style for the form is set as 'Open Sans', sans-serif, whereas the form is given a background color of #009688, a width and a height of 100%, and the font-size as 16px. The profile card is given a style set of border-radius as 3px, background color as white, box-shadow as 0px 10px 20px rgba (0,0,0,0.2), whereas the content section of the card has the styles of width as 190px, and height as 300px, and background as cadetblue. The badges section is given the styles of background as #ECECEC, border-radius as 3px, and width as 480px. The image is given a border-radius of 50% to get the circular shape, whereas the name and designation headers are given a font-sizes of 1.8em, and 1.2em, respectively with the text style: Italic is given to the designation. CSS @keyframes is used to implement the animations in CSS. The profile card is given an appear animation effect of rotatemagic 0.75s cubic-bezier(0.425, 1.040, 0.470, 1.105) 1s both. Source:
This is another example of a card layout web form with a testimonial card with a profile image, and a quote, designed using HTML, and CSS. The fonts and images are imported to the form with their URLs. The testimonial card has a styles set of font-family as 'Playfair Display', Arial, sans-serif, position as relative, overflow as hidden, margin as 10px, min-width as 230px, max-width as 315px, max-height as 220px, width as 100%, color as #000000, text-align as left, font-size as 16px, and background-color as #000000. The image has the styles of max-width as 100%, opacity as 0.5, and blackface-visibility as hidden. The quote is given a font-size of 0.9em and a font-style of Italic whereas the name title is given the styles margin as 10px 0, line-height as 1.1em, font-weight as 900, and color as #1a1a1a. The profile pic is given a border-radius of 50% to make it a circle.
This is another example of a profile card layout with title, position, text, and icons, designed using CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. The fonts, icons, and images are imported to the form with their URLs. JavaScript functions have been used to implement the mouse hover effects. The image card is given the styles of font-family as 'Lato', Arial, sans-serif, position as relative, display as inline-block, overflow as hidden, margin as 10px, min-width as 250px, max-width as 310px, width as 100%, background-color as #ffffff, color as #2B2B2B, text-align as center, font-size as 16px, and box-shadow as 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15). The image has the styles of vertical-align as top, max-width as 100%, position as relative and border-radius as 50% to make it round shaped. The title has been given a font family of 'Oswald', text-transform as uppercase, font-size as 20px, font-weight as 400, line-height as 24px, and margin as 3px 0 whereas position is given the color #888 and letter-spacing of 1px. The icons are given a style set of font-size as 1.5em and color of #999 which changes to #555 in a hover event.
This is an example of a profile card layout with images, icons, and speech bubble details, designed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The fonts, icons, and images are imported to the form with their URLs. JavaScript functions have been used to implement the mouse hover effects. The image card is given the styles of font-family as 'Open Sans', Arial, sans-serif, position as relative, display as inline-block, margin as 10px, min-width as 230px, max-width as 315px, width as 100%, color as #141414, text-align as left, line-height as 1.4em, and font-size as 14px. The image has been given the styles of border-radius as 5px, max-width as 100%, height as 80px, vertical-align as top, and float as left. The background color of the body is set to #212121. The name is given a font-weight of 600, font-size of 1.2 em, and font-family as 'Montserrat', Arial, sans-serif whereas the designation is given the styles of color as #8c8c8c, font-weight as 400, and letter-spacing as 2px. The quote has the styles of font size as 0.9em, letter-spacing as 1px, and opacity as 0.9. In a hover event, the social media icons will change its opacity from 0.75 to 1 in a transition effect of all 0.35s ease.
This is another example of a card layout with a profile image with a title and social icons, designed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The fonts and images are imported to the form with their URLs. JavaScript functions have been used to implement the mouse hover effects. The image card is given they styles of font-family as 'Open Sans', Arial, sans-serif, position as relative, display as inline-block, margin as 10px, min-width as 230px, max-width as 315px, width as 100%, color as #000, text-align as left, font-size as 16px, background as #fff, and border-radius as 5px. The image has the styles of max-width as 35%, margin-top as -15px, margin-left as 60%, margin-bottom as 15px, backface-visibility as hidden, vertical-align as top, and border-radius as 5px. The header inside the image is given a font size of 1.1em and the icons are given the size 1.6rem and the color #ccc. In a hover effect, the icons take the color of #2980b9. Source: