This is an example of a web form with a responsive image slider with a search bar with three input search, designed using HTML, and CSS. The bootstrap styles and images are imported to the form with their URLs. A carousel class has been used to implement the image slider and a button class has been used to implement the buttons. The search placeholders are given the styles of display as block, width as 100%, font-size as 0.875rem, line-height as 1.5, color as #55595c, background-color as #fff, border as 1px solid #ccc, height as calc(3rem + 2px) !important, and border-radius as 0. The search button has the styles of width as 100%, font-size as 16px, font-weight as 400, text-transform as capitalize to make the first letter of the text uppercase, height as calc(3rem + 2px) !important, and border-radius as 0 whereas the background color for the search section is set as #1A4668.
This is an example of a linear carousel layout, designed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The Li element of lists has been used to display the cards in a list view. JavaScript functions have been used to implement the carousel animation. Control buttons and indicators have also been used in implementing the carousel. The item card is given the style of box-sizing as content-box. The fuchsia-rose-text is given the color of #db0075, the aqua-sky-text is given #5cc6c3, mimosa-text is given #F0C05A, and chili-pepper-text the #9B1B30 whereas the button control are given the color #F8CDCD. The item cards are given the transformations as -webkit-transform: translateX(0), and -ms-transform: translateX(0). The indicators have the initial styles of height: .75rem, width: .75rem, max-width: .75rem, and background-color: #5cc6c3 where it changes to max-width: 1rem, and background-color: #5cc6c3 when they're active.
This is an example of a rotating carousel layout, designed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Class custom-cursor has been used to customize the mouse cursor. The png images have been added to the form with their URLs imported. JavaScript functions have been used to implement the carousel animation. The background color of the form is set as #000. The photo container has the styles of position: absolute, float: left, padding: 0 50px, z-index:2, background-size: cover, and background-position as center. The cursor has the styles of position: absolute, z-index: 3, height and width: 35px, border-radius: 50% to make the cursor a circle, border: 1px solid rgba(255,255,255,.6), transform: translate(-50%, -50%), color: rgba(255,255,255,.6), and font-weight: 100 whereas the titl of the form has the styles of position: relative, z-index: 2, font-size: 48px, color: #fff, and font-weight: 999.