This is an example of another testimonial web form with hover effects, designed using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap framework 4. The profile images are imported to the code with their URLs and with a width and height given as 40, in HTML. Media quarries have been used to increase the responsiveness of the form. The body of the form is given the styles of min-height as 100vh, background-color as #eee, background-size as cover, font-family as 'Cormorant', serif, color as RGB(112, 123, 240), and a linear gradient background as (140deg, #fff, 50%, #74a0ff). The font color of the testimonial card is set as RGB(146, 154, 236), whereas the border value is defined as 1px solid. The font-size of the card content is given as 17px and the font-weight as bold. The testimonial card takes a transform effect of scale to 0.9 and changes its size to create the hover effect. Source:
This is an example of a user testimonials form with image and background animation, designed using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap framework 4. The images are imported to the code with their URLs. The form is given opening animations while media quarries have been used to increase the responsiveness of the form. The body of the form is given the styles of background-color as black, animation-duration as 1s, animation-fill-mode as forwards, animation-delay as 2s, and font-family as 'Abel', sans-serif. When the form is opened, the background color of the form changes to #29b6f6. The image is given the styles of width and height as 10vw, border as 2px solid blue, transform as rotateY(180deg), animation-duration as 1s, animation-fill-mode as forwards, and animation-delay as 1s. The image takes a transform effect of rotateY(360deg) to create the rotate animation. The author of the quote is given a font style of font-family as 'Dancing Script', cursive. The width and font-size of the text also change from o to 45vw, and 1.2vw, respectively, to create the animation. Source:
This is an example of a testimonial web form with hover effects, designed using CSS, HTML, and Bootstrap framework 4. The profile images are imported to the code with their URLs and given width and height as 40, in HTML. Media quarries are used to increase the responsiveness of the form. The body of the form is given the styles of min-height as 100vh, background-color as #eee, background-size as cover, font-family as 'Cormorant', serif, color as RGB(112, 123, 240), and a linear gradient background as linear-gradient(140deg, #fff, 50%, #74a0ff). The font-size of the card content is defined as 17px and the font-weight as bold. The font color of the testimonial card is set as RGB(146, 154, 236), and a border value is also given as 1px solid. In a hover event, the testimonial card changes its scale to 0.9 and take a transform effect to imply the hover effect. Source:
This is an example of an animated signup/login form with a rotate animation, designed using CSS, HTML, and Bootstrap framework 4. The background image is imported to the code with its URL. The body of the form is given the styles of color as #6a6f8c, background as #c8c8c8, and font as 600 16px/18px 'Open Sans', sans-serif. The users can switch between the login and signup forms by clicking on the tabs and the section appears with a rotate animation. To hide one section from another while on active mode, the value of backface-visibility is set as hidden. The two sections are given a transform value as rotateY(180deg) to implement the animation. The section titles are given a text-transform style as uppercase to automatically convert the text to uppercase. The input fields text is given the styles of font color as #aaa, and font-size as 12px. In a focus event, the background of the input fields gets changed to #fff. Source:
This is an example of an image card layout depicting the item categories, with animations, designed using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap framework 4. The images, font, Bootstrap and CSS styles are imported to the code with the URLs. The image card title has the styles of color as #ffffff, font-size as 20px, and font-weight as 700. The image card container has the styles of width and height as 100%, background as #222222, transition as 0.5s, and opacity as .45. The image card also acts as a link to its respective collection, which can redirect the users to an external link. The card image is given width as 100% to cover the whole card and a transition value as 0.5s. In a hover event, the image card takes a transform value of scale(1.1), to display a zoom-in effect. Source:
This is an example of a simple animated Contact Us form, designed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap framework 4. The font, Google map, and Bootstrap styles are imported to the code with the URLs and the media quarries have been used to increase the responsiveness of the form. The font style of the form is given as 'Poppins', sans-serif. The JavaScript functions have been used to implement the blur and focus functions of the map. The form group is given the styles of border-bottom as solid 2px #ccc, position as relative, and margin-top as 30px. The data input field title is given the styles of font color as #333 and transform as translateY(-50%), which takes the background color of #00BCD4, in a hover event. The input placeholder line also takes a background color of linear-gradient(120deg, #2196F3, #3F51B5), and a transition value .5s, in a hover event. The Submit button is given a font-size of 21px, and a padding of 8px 20px. Source: