
Sign up to News Letter

This is an example of the signup form and displaying the confirmation of the signup in a single page with the use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The basic CSS styles have been used to implement the design with the colors and the background image. The background color of the entire page is set with 3 shades of purple (to bottom, #daa7cd 0%, #c4a1ca 60%, #848ec3 100%). The JavaScript function javascript query selector has been used to identify the elements in the HTML by its element types such as input, h1, and button. The button click function is implemented in the JavaScript with the use of element h1 and its innerHTML to change the current value on a button click event whereas the other elements have been hidden by dynamically accessing its styles and setting the display value to be none in a click event function. The email text box is set with the values: width -100%, background color- transparent, border value- 3px solid white. Source:

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