
Pagination style 9

This is a style you would like to have for your stylish sites or blogs. The pagination example goes well with any font but the font used is “Sniglet”. The font, CSS styling, and shadows are a perfect match for this snippet. This uses bootstrap 3.3 for the HTML markup to appear perfectly. Bootstrap pagination is used here which indicates the series of related content across multiple pages and enables the navigation across the pages. Here the large blocks of connected links are used for pagination, which makes it hard to miss the pages and it is easily scalable. You can use the scripts to increase the page numbers. Page-time is added to each element and a .page-link class to each link inside. The active class is used to highlight the active page. The aria-label attribute defines the string that labels the current element. The hovering for links is taken care of by CSS styling which matches the snippet perfectly.

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