
Pagination style 6

This is a template of a page navigation button line, designed with CSS and HTML. The buttons are set to get highlighted in green color, in a focus event. The Li element of lists has been used to display the buttons in a list view. The set of buttons is given the styles of font-family as 'Gugi', cursive, padding as 7px 15px, border-bottom as 2px solid #909090, box-shadow as 0 5px 5px -7px #000, display as inline- flex, and position as relative. The button numbers have the styles of color as #444, background color as transparent, font size as 25px, font-weight as 700, line-height as 35px, transition of all 0.3s ease 0s, and height and width as 40px and 65px respectively. The text color will turn to #fff in a focus event and the number button will get highlighted in #3eed23 color. The animation transformation is set with translateX (-50%) translate (50%).

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