
Pagination style 10

This style is uniquely designed and can be used for blogs having a sporty look. It uses Bootstrap 3.3 with the font “ZCOOL QingKe HuangYou”, giving a technical look to the pagination. The HTML markup is simple with the Bootstrap pagination using the page navigation and its component to wrap the page-items. Each page-items contain the links for the previous, next to or the pages which need to be displayed wrapping the page-links. These page links are styled to display the “orangered” background, with a radius giving it a circular shape. Once you hover the mouse you get a triangular shape object pointing out the hovered page-link. Also, the page-item is changed to the transparent circle. The snippet also displays the active page 2, the style for hovering of mouse and active page-item is kept same, the text style is changed when you hover or make a page-item as active.

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