
Form Wizard with multiple steps

This is an example of “Form Wizard with multiple steps”, It contains 3 steps, First for the user name, the second step contains the company name and address and 3rd step is finished. This login form uses the stepWizard class to create the steps in a container. The class stepwizardRow is used to define a single row in this stepWizard and each step is defined using stepWizardStep. Each stepWizardStep contains a link to form using id. The steps are defined as types of buttons, whereas there is 3 form defined using stepupContent class. Each step has a button once click using jquery it moves on to next step. CSS defines the styles for StepWizard classes. Each step is shown as a circle using btn-circle class. Check out the styling properties used to represent these steps.JS is used to navigate through the steps and during navigation it also validates the text.

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