
delete confirmation modal

This is an example of a bootstrap delete confirmation web form, designed using HTML, and CSS. Bootstrap style sheets including the fonts, are imported to the form with their URLs. The body is given a font-family of 'Varela Round', sans-serif. The background color of the form is set to #636363 whereas the content section of the model has the styles of padding as 20px, border-radius as 5px, text-align as center, and font-size as 14px. The styles of the title are set to text-align as center, font-size as 26px, and margin as 30px 0 -10px. The buttons are given a styles set of color as #fff, border-radius as 4px, background as #60c7c1, transition as all 0.4s, line-height as normal, min-width as 120px, min-height as 40px, and border-radius as 3px. The cancel button is given a background color of #c1c1c1 and the confirm button is given a background color of #f15e5e. Both buttons change colors in a focus event, into #a8a8a8 and #ee3535 respectively.

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