
Colorful Pricing Table

This is a simple example of displaying the details such as prices and more information in the table format with the use of HTML and CSS. The background of the page has been set to an image with adding the URL of the image. The other styles that are applied for the background are; background size as 100% 100%, background attachment as fixed and the padding as 100px 0. The CSS class text transform has been used with the value of uppercase to automatically convert the text to upper case. The font size of the header is 35px, font weight is 700, font family is 'Lato', sans-serif, font color is #fff, and the text align is center. In order to add the circle shapes, the border radius has been set as 45px along with the other styles as color as #1ab921, background as #fff, padding as 5px, border as 2px solid and box shadow as 0px 0px 11px -5px #000. credits -

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