This is an example of a testimonials slider layout, designed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap framework 4. The images, Bootstrap and CSS styles are imported to the code with their URLs. JavaScript functions have been used to implement the carousel feature in the slider. Testimonial card is given the styles of background-color as #ffffff, padding as 40px, border-radius as 10px, border as 1px solid #ebebeb, and position as relative. The user image has the styles of width and height as 60px, and border-radius as 100% to get the circle shape. The user name section has the styles of font-size as 20px, and color as #222222, whereas the designation title is given the styles of display as block, font-size as 12px, letter-spacing as 2px, color as #38c3c7, text-transform as uppercase to automatically convert the text to uppercase, and line-height as 18px. The content section is given a font-size of 20px, and a font style as Italic. The slider buttons are given a background color of #c3edee which changes to #38c3c7, when in the active mode. Source:
This is an example of a web layout with a sticky slider navigation bar, designed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap framework 4. Media quarries are used to make the form responsive, whereas the JavaScript functions are used to implement the functionality of the navigation bar. The body of the form is given a font-family as "Century Gothic", 'Lato', sans-serif. The title of the form has the styles of font-size as 2rem, and letter-spacing as 1rem, whereas the subtitle has the styles of font-size as 1rem, letter-spacing as 0.3rem, and opacity as 0.6. The navigation bar has the styles of display as flex, justify-content as center, align-items as center, flex as 1, color as #000, letter-spacing as 0.1rem, transition as all 0.5s ease, and font-size as 0.8rem. In a hover event, the navigation bar items take the styles of font color as white, background as rgba(102,177,241,0.8), and transition as all 0.5s ease, in a hover event. Source: