This is an example of a simple E-commerce sale template, designed using CSS, HTML styles, and Bootstrap framework 4. The product image is imported to the code with its URL. The body of the form has the styles of background-color as #daecec, display as grid, and place-items as center to centralize the items. The border-radius of the sale template is set as 20px, and a background color given as #ffffff. The heading of the form is displayed using a font-size of 18px and a font color of #fbdfdc. The upper section of the card has the styles of background-color as #f57979, font color as #f9dad6, and border-radius as 10px 10px 0px 0px. The card description is displayed using the styles of font color as #b8babb, and font-weight as 500. The '2- days' button has the styles of background-color as #f05c5d, border-radius as 10px, and font-size as 80, which changes its font color to #77cbc5, on hover. Source:
This is an example of an e-Commerce product card with an animation effect, designed using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap framework 4. It can be used to showcase the e-commerce products stylishly. The product image has been imported to the code with its URL. The body of the form is given a background color of #B71C1C. The product card is given the styles of height as 420px, width as 320px, background-color as #C62828, border-radius as 10px, and a transform effect of skewY(345deg), to create the hover animation. In a hover event, the image changes its width to 80%, creating the hover effect. The justify-content and align-items styles have been set as center to centralize the elements. The 'Buy Now' button is created as a success type button and given a style set of font color as #fff, background-color as #ef5350, border-color as #ef5350, and width as 160px. In a hover event, the button takes the background color of #e84040 and the border-color of #e84040. Source:
This is an example of an e-commerce product list with hover effects, designed using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap framework 4. The product images are imported to the code with their URLs. The body of the form is given a background color of #B3E5FC. The product card is given a border-radius of 6px, and background color of #fff. The product details are displayed using a font-size of 13px, and a color of #cbcbcb. The cost of the product is displayed using the styles of font color as #fb3531, font-weight as bold, and font-size as 20px. The cost of the three products is displayed using three different font colors. The rating stars are displayed using the color of #FBC02D. The cursor style for the products is set as pointer to get the hand cursor effect on hover. The text on the 'Add to Cart' button is displayed using a text style as uppercase to automatically convert the text to uppercase. The image container is given an animation of fade_in_show 0.5s to create the animation on hover. Source:
This is an example of an E-commerce product list with animation on add to cart button, designed using CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and Bootstrap framework 4. The product images are imported to the code with their URLs. The JavaScript methods have been used to implement the functionality of the Add button, on a clicked event. The body of the form is given a background color as #eee. The product card is given the styles of border as 1px solid #eee, and cursor style as pointer to get the hand cursor effect on hover. The Add to Cart button is given a background color of #d6d4d44f, and a border-radius of 4px. The green dot of the button is given the styles of background-color as green, border-radius as 50%, font-size as 8px, and font color as #fff. The Add to Cart button is given an animation of item 0.3s ease-in forwards, to create the dot span animation, whereas the product card is given a hover effect of transform as scale(1.04), to create the scale-up animation. Source:
This is an example of a product page template with a buy now button, designed using CSS, HTML, and Bootstrap framework 4. The product image is imported to the code with its URL. The body of the form is given a background color as #ffc107, and a font-family style as Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif. The background color of the information container is set as #fff. The concept of Lists has been used with UL and LI components. UL element has been used with the child elements of LI to display the product details in an orderly manner. The product details are given a line-height as 50px, and font color as #000. The 'Description' and 'Review' sections are given a font-weight style as Bold. The 'Buy Now' button is given a border color as 2px solid yellow, font color as #000, font-size as 12px, and font-weight as bold, and turns its background color to yellow in a hover event. Media quarries have been used to increase the responsiveness of the form. Source:
This is a template of a single product page on an e-commerce website, designed using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap framework 4. The font styles and product images are imported to the code using their URLs. The body of the form is given the styles of font-family as 'Rubik', sans-serif, font-size as 14px, font-weight as 400, background color as #FFFFFF, and font color as #000000The product name is displayed with the styles of font-size as 20px, and font-weight as 400. The rating review line is given a font color of #5b5b5b. The product prize is given a font-size of 30px and a font-weight of 500, whereas the discount is given a font-size of 17px, and a font-weight of 300. The image list takes a box-shadow effect of 0px 1px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), in a hover event. The 'Add to cart' and 'Buy now' buttons are created as primary type buttons. Source: