This is a template of a registration page with the terms and conditions section, designed using HTML and CSS. Bootstrap and jquery files are imported to add the respective styles such as bootstrap grid view. Placeholders are used to display a hint of the expected output in input fields. The input type ‘text' has been used for the text fields whereas the ‘Select' element has been used in the Choose field to select options from the dropdown list. The ‘label' element has been used to display the span values. The button element has been used to display the button with the value of image style set as 100%. The image URL has been added to display the image in the background. A validating element has been added on the submit button to avoid submitting without ticking the checkbox. Source:
This is an example of a sign-up form designed with HTML and CSS. The input type ‘text' has been used for the text fields. Placeholders have been used to display a hint of the expected output in input fields. ‘Select' element has been used in Phone number and Job type fields to select options from a dropdown list. The "font-awesome" style sheet has been imported and used the list element with the class value of fa fa-envelope. The class divider text has the styles of position as relative, text-align as center, margin-top as 15px, and margin-bottom as 15px. The span has the styles of padding as 7px, font size as 12px, position as relative, and z-index as 2. The styles will be appended to the text fields after the load with the styles of content as empty, a position as absolute, width as 100%, border-bottom as 1px solid #ddd, top as 55%, left as 0 and z-index as 1. Source:
This is a template of a registration form with animations designed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The input type ‘text' has been used for the text fields. CSS element ‘background-color' is set to the value of #509 color code to implement the background color. The ‘animation' element in CSS has been used to apply animations on the input fields with its values set as rotate 5s ease-in-out 0.5s alternate, move 5s linear 2s. The other CSS styles that are used here would be outlined as none, background color as #509, font style as italic, color as #f0f, border as none and border-bottom as 1px solid #f0f. The values of the input field border-bottom are set as 4px solid #f00, font size as 20px, transition as .4s ease-out and transition-delay as 0.5s on a focus event. A JavaScript function has been created to display a confirmation message and prompt the user to confirm if all the input fields are filled correctly. Source :
This is a signup page template with validation designed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The input type ‘text' has been used for the text fields with placeholders set for the elements to display a hint on the expected inputs for the text fields. CSS styles has been used to get a combination of colors to make the background color shady with the values set as linear-gradient (to right top, #051937, #004d7a, #008793, #00bf72, #a8eb12) and background-position as center. The value of CSS style ‘text-transform' is set to uppercase to convert the text to uppercase automatically. The current date is passed as the initial date on the date picker element with the date format given in JavaScript. Function validate email is used to validate the mail address. Max length and min length have been given to text fields such as postal code and city. Source :
This is a simple registration form with validation; designed using CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. The input type ‘text' has been used for the text fields. The ‘span' element has been used with the class name "login-error" to display the error message. The display style of this class is set as none and the font size as 16px. By setting the display value as none, the error message will not be visible until the input is entered. The key up function in JavaScript makes sure the validation happens with every single character entered. A switch case is used in JavaScript to determine the type of error: a "value missing" error if the value is null or empty, "at least 3 chars for value" if the entered value is less than or equal to 2 characters and a "no more than 50 chars for value" if the entered value is greater than or equal to 50 characters. Source :
This is a simple signup form with login via social media accounts option, designed using HTML and CSS. The input type ‘text' has been used for the text fields with placeholders set for the elements to display a hint on the expected inputs. The background image on the right-side panel has been added by setting the image URL in CSS. The position has been set as absolute, top as 0, right as 0, box-sizing as border-box, padding as 40px, width as 300px, height as 400px, background-size as cover and background-position as center. To get the "OR" label on top of the layer, CSS styles has been used with values: position as absolute, top as 180px, left as 280px, with as 40px and height as 40px. The background color has been set to #efefef whereas the border-radius is set to 50% to display the label as a circle. Source :