This is an example of a bootstrap web form with an image carousel with swipe functionality, designed using JavaScript, CSS, bootstrap framework 4 and HTML. The images and bootstrap styles are imported to the code with their URLs, whereas the carousel swipe feature had been implemented in JavaScript. The concept of Lists has been used with the LI component to display the items in an orderly manner. The body of the form is given a height of 100%. The carousel indicators are given a background color of #E9E9E9, transition of (all 0.3s ease), and transform of scale(1), which changes its background color to #FFFFFF and take a transform effect of scale(1.3), in a hover event. Carousel item is given a height of 800px, whereas the image is given the styles of width and height as 100%. Source:
This is an example of a bootstrap web form with an image carousel, designed using CSS, bootstrap framework 4 and HTML. The images, fonts and bootstrap styles are imported to the code with their URLs, whereas the carousel feature had been implemented in CSS itself. The concept of Lists has been used with UL and LI components. UL element has been used with the child elements of LI to display the details in an orderly manner. The body of the form is given a background color of #000, whereas the color of the title is set as #7CFC00. Carousel items are given a style set of border-color as transparent, border-radius as 3px, box-shadow as 0 0 20px 0 #7CFC00, cursor as pointer to get the hand cursor effect, a transform effect as scale(1.5), transition-delay as 0, transition effect as all .34s linear, and z-index as 2. The height and the margin for the carousel are set as 392px, and 12px, respectively. Source:
This is an example of a bootstrap web form with a looping Instagram feed carousel, designed using JavaScript, CSS, bootstrap framework 4 and HTML. The images, fonts and bootstrap styles are imported to the code with their URLs, whereas the carousel feature had been implemented using JavaScript. Media queries have been used to increase the responsiveness of the form. The body of the form is given a style set of width as 100vw, height as 100vh, overflow as hidden, font-family as 'Dosis', sans-serif, background-color as black, and color as white. The autoplay mode, arrows, and center mode values are set as true in JavaScript with the autoplay speed set as 3000ms, and the slides to show value set as 5. A text-transform style for the indicator buttons is set as uppercase to automatically convert to uppercase with the cursor style set as pointer to get the hand cursor effect. The image item is given the styles of width as 100%, filter as blur(6px), transform effect as rotate(0) translate3d(0, 0, 0), and transition effect of filter 0.8s *2. Source:
This is an example of a bootstrap web form with a swiper slider, designed using JavaScript, CSS, bootstrap framework 4 and HTML. The images and bootstrap styles are imported to the code with their URLs, whereas the swiper feature had been implemented using JavaScript. The swiper is given the styles of background-size as cover, background-position as 50%, min-height as 80vh, display as flex, align-items as center, justify-content as center, and flex-direction as column. The pagination dots are given the styles of background-color as transparent, border as 2px solid #fff, border-radius as 50% to get the circle shape, width as 12px, height as 12px, and opacity as 1. When the dots are active, they take the background-color #fff. The swiper buttons are given the background color as rgba(0,0,0,.25). The loop value is set as true in JavaScript to run the swiper in a loop. Source:


This is an example of a bootstrap web form with image carousel feature with indicator buttons, designed using JavaScript, CSS, bootstrap framework 4 and HTML. The images and bootstrap styles are imported to the code with their URLs, whereas the carousel feature had been implemented using JavaScript. The body of the form is given a height and a width value of 100%, whereas the carousel is given a height as 400px, top as 50%, and a transform effect of translateY(-50%). The indicator buttons are given a style set of position as fixed, left as 50%, transform as translateX (-50%), and bottom as 10px. The carousel items have been named separately and given styles accordingly. The hideLeft item is given a transform as translateY(50%) translateX(-50%), opacity as 0, and image width as 200px, prevLeftSecond is given transform as translateY(50%) translateX(-50%), opacity as .7, and image width as 200px, prev is given transform as translateY(50px) translateX(-50%), image width as 300px, selected is given transform as translateY(0px) translateX(-50%), next is given transform as translateY(50px) translateX(-50%), and image width as 300px, nextRightSecond is given transform as translateY(50%) translateX(-50%), opacity as .7, image width as 200px, and hideRight is given transform as translateY(50%) translateX(-50%), and image width as 200px. Source:


This is an example of a bootstrap web form with an image carousel feature, designed using JavaScript, CSS, bootstrap framework 4 and HTML. The images and bootstrap styles are imported to the code with their URLs, whereas the carousel feature had been implemented using JavaScript. The body of the form is given a background color of #eaeaea and height and width as 100%. The carousel is given a max-width and a max-height of 900px, and 550px. Carousel item image has the styles of width as 60%, height as 100%, align-self as flex-end, transform as translateX (100%), and transition as 0.6s all ease-in-out. The title of the item has the styles of margin as 15px 0 0 0, font-family as 'Playfair Display', serif, font-size as 44px, line-height as 45px, letter-spacing as 3px, font-weight as 700, color as #2C2C2C, transform as translateY(25%), and a transition of 0.6s all ease-in-out. The subtitle of the item is again given a style set of font-family as 'Open Sans', sans-serif, letter-spacing as 3px, font-size as 10px, text-transform as uppercase to automatically convert the text to uppercase, color as #7E7E7E, font-weight as 700, transform as translateY(25%), and transition as 0.4s all ease-in-out. The cursor style is set as pointer for the arrow button to get the hand cursor effect. Source: