This is another example for a card layout with an image, and a title with a hover effect, designed using CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. The fonts and images are imported to the form with their URLs. JavaScript functions have been used to implement the mouse hover effects. The image card is given they styles of font-family as 'Poppins: 400,700', Arial, sans-serif, position as relative, display as inline-block, margin as 10px, min-width as 250px, max-width as 310px, width as 100%, background-color as #000000, color as #ffffff, text-align as left, font-size as 16px, and box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15). The image has the styles of vertical-align as top and max-width: 100%. The header inside the image has the styles of font-size as 44px, font-weight as 400, line-height as 1, letter-spacing as 1px, text-transform as uppercase, and margin: 3px 0. The title 1 is given a font weight of 700, title 2 is given a font weight of 300 and a color of #a58e7c, and title 3 is given a font weight of 700 and a font size of 25px. The image takes a transformation of scale(1.3) rotate(5deg), in a hover effect. Source:
This is another example of a card layout with a profile image with a title and social icons, designed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The fonts and images are imported to the form with their URLs. JavaScript functions have been used to implement the mouse hover effects. The image card is given they styles of font-family as 'Open Sans', Arial, sans-serif, position as relative, display as inline-block, margin as 10px, min-width as 230px, max-width as 315px, width as 100%, color as #000, text-align as left, font-size as 16px, background as #fff, and border-radius as 5px. The image has the styles of max-width as 35%, margin-top as -15px, margin-left as 60%, margin-bottom as 15px, backface-visibility as hidden, vertical-align as top, and border-radius as 5px. The header inside the image is given a font size of 1.1em and the icons are given the size 1.6rem and the color #ccc. In a hover effect, the icons take the color of #2980b9. Source:
This is another example of a card layout with an image, title and subtitle with a quote on hover event, designed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The fonts and images are imported to the form with their URLs. JavaScript functions have been used to implement the mouse hover effects. The image card is given they styles of font-family as 'Lato', Arial, sans-serif, position as relative, display as inline-block, margin as 10px, min-width as 250px, max-width as 310px, width as 100%, background-color as #000000, color as #ffffff, text-align as left, font-size as 16px, and box-shadow as 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15). The image has the styles of vertical-align as top and max-width: 100%. The header inside the image has the styles of font-family as 'Oswald', text-transform as uppercase, font-size as20px, font-weight as 400, line-height as 24px, and margin as 3px 0 whereas the subtitle is given the styles font-weight as 400, text-transform as uppercase, color as #bbb, and letter-spacing as 1px. The quote inside is given a text style of Italic. In a hover event, the background of the card turns to background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75). Source:
This is another example of a card layout with an image, title, and position with a hover effect, designed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The fonts and images are imported to the form with their URLs. JavaScript functions have been used to implement the mouse hover effects. The image card is given they styles of font-family as 'Raleway', Arial, sans-serif, position as relative, display as inline-block, margin as 10px, min-width as 250px, max-width as 310px, background-color as #000000, color as #ffffff, text-align as left, font-size as 16px, and box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15). The image has the styles of vertical-align as top and max-width: 100%. The header inside the image has the styles of font size as 20px, font-weight as 400, line-height as 20px, and margin as 3px 0 whereas the subtitle is given the styles of font-weight as 400, margin as 0, color as #bbb, and letter-spacing as 1px. In a hover event, the background of the card turns to #fff where the color of subtitles turns to #333. Source:
This is a template of a web form that has images with title and price with icons on hover, designed using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. The fonts and images are imported to the form with their URLs. JavaScript functions have been used to implement the mouse hover effects. The image card is given the styles of font-family as 'Fira Sans Extra Condensed', Arial, sans-serif, position as relative, display as inline-block, overflow as hidden, margin as 10px, min-width as 230px, max-width as 315px, width as 100%, font-size as 16px, background-color as #fff, color as #111, line-height as 1.2em, and text-align as left. The image has the styles of vertical-align as top and max-width: 100%. The header inside the image has the styles of font-size as 1.4rem, font-weight as 400, and margin as 0 0 4px. The price is given a color of #4da3e2 and a font-size of 1.5rem. In a hover event, the icons take the background color of #4da3e2, the color of #ffffff and the cursor as pointer to get the hand cursor. Source:
This is another example of a Card layout, designed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. JavaScript functions have been used to implement the mouse hover animations. The fonts and images are imported to the form with their URLs. The card is given an initial style set of font-family as 'Raleway', sans-serif, display as inline-block, color as #ffffff, margin: 10px, min-width: 230px; max-width: 315px and font-size as 16px. The image has the styles of vertical-align as top and backface-visibility as hidden. The header inside the card is given the styles transform as translateY(-100%), transition-delay as 0.05s, font-weight: 400, margin-bottom: 5px, text-transform as uppercase to transform the text to uppercase automatically and font-weight as 400. The sub heading inside the card is given the color #ae895d, transform as translateY(-100%), padding: 3px 10px, font-weight as normal, and transition-delay as 0s. Source:
This is an example of a News Card layout, designed using CSS, and HTML. The concept of Lists has been used with UL and LI components. UL element has been used with the child elements of LI to display details in an orderly manner. The fonts and images are imported to the form with their URLs. The colors and fonts are declared as variables, which are $regal-blue: #034378, $san-juan: #2d4e68, $bermuda: #77d7b9, $white: #fff, $black: #000, and $open-sans: 'Open Sans'. The body of the form has the styles of background-image as linear-gradient(to right, $regal-blue, $san-juan), height as 100vh, and font-family as $open-sans. For the first example, date section has the styles of background-color: $bermuda, color: $white, font-weight: 700, font-size: 24px, and text-transform: uppercase. The title is given the color lighten($black, 50%). The menu button has the styles text-align: center¸and cursor: pointer. For the second example, the header has the styles color: $white, padding: 1em, and the date has the styles font-size: 12px. The read more button is given the styles text-align: center, font-size: 12px, color: $white, and a transform of translate(0, -50%). Source:
This is an example of a Blog Cards layout, designed using CSS and HTML. The concept of Lists has been used with UL and LI components. UL element has been used with the child elements of LI to display details in an orderly manner. The images have been imported to the form with their URLs. The body is given the styles of background as #f1f1f1, and margin as 2rem. Colors have been defined as variables; which are $color_white as #fff, $color_prime as #5ad67d, $color_grey as #e2e2e2, $color_grey_dark as #a2a2a2. The blog card has the styles of background: $color_white, line-height: 1.4, font-family: sans-serif, and border-radius: 5px. The details inside the card are given the styles color: $color_white, font-size: .9rem and, text-decoration: dotted underline.The photo takes a transform of scale(1.3) rotate(3deg) and a skew effect of skew(3deg) in a hover event whereas the list inside the card and the author name takes the color $color_prime in a mouse hover effect. Source:

Blog Cards
