This is a template of a simple email landing page with a background image, designed using CSS, HTML, and Bootstrap framework 4. The background image is imported to the code using its URL. The background of the form is given a linear gradient color of (40deg, rgba(0,51,199,.3), rgba(209,149,249,.3)). The heading of the form is displayed with the styles of font-weight as 700, and font color as #5d4267, whereas the subheading is displayed using a font color of #bcb2c0. The 'Get Started' button is given a linear gradient background color, which changes its font color to #fff, on hover. The title section is given a font color of #5d4267, and the subtitle is given a font color of #bcb2c0. The input text fields are given a border color of #4285f4, and a box-shadow of 0px 0px 0px 1px #4285f4. The input text is displayed with a font-size of 11px, and a font-weight of 500. Source: