This is an example of a card layout web form with a testimonial card with image, title, and a quote, designed using HTML, and CSS. The fonts and images are imported to the form with their URLs. The testimonial card is given the styles of font-family as 'Roboto', Arial, sans-serif, position as relative, overflow as hidden, margin as 10px, min-width as 230px, max-width as 315px, width as 100%, color as #141414, text-align as left, line-height as 1.4em, background-color as #e6e6e6, and padding-top as 88px. The image has the styles of vertical-align as top, max-width as 100%, and opacity as 0.85. The quote is given a font-style of Italic, color of #212121, line-height as 1em, font- family of 'FontAwesome', and a font-size of 180px. The name title is given a font-size of 1.3em, margin of 25px, font-weight of 300, whereas the subtitle is given a font-color of #bdc3c7, and a font-size 0.65em.
This is an example of a card layout web form with news card with image, and read more text, designed using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. The fonts and images are imported to the form with their URLs and JavaScript functions have been used to implement the mouse hover effects. The news card is given the styles of font-family: 'Roboto', Arial, sans-serif, position: relative, overflow: hidden, margin: 10px, min-width: 230px, max-width: 315px, width: 100%, color: #ffffff, text-align: left, line-height: 1.4em, and background-color: #141414. The image has the styles of vertical-align as top, max-width as 100%, and opacity as 0.85. The date is given a styles set of background-color: #1e1e1e, padding: 10px 25px 0, text-align: right, font-size: 0.8em, letter-spacing: 1px, color: rgba (255, 255, 255, 0.5), and text-transform: uppercase to convert the text to uppercase. The text-transform for Read more button is also set as uppercase with a border and background color of #ffffff, font size of 0.7em and letter spacing of 1px. The opacity of the button changes to 1 in a hover event.
This is an example of a card layout web form with news cards with image, caption, and title, designed using HTML, and CSS. The fonts and images are imported to the form with their URLs. The news card is given the styles of font-family as 'Roboto', Arial, sans-serif, color as #fff, position as relative, overflow as hidden, margin as 10px, min-width as 230px, max-width as 315px, width as 100%, color as #ffffff, text-align as left; line-height as 1.4em, and background-color as #141414. The image has the styles of vertical-align as top, max-width as 100%, and opacity as 0.85. The background color of the card is set as #141414. The follow button is given a color and a border color of #2980b9 whereas the info button is given a background and a border color of #ffffff. The text-transform for both buttons is set as uppercase, text-align is set as center and the font size is set to 0.7em.
This is another example of a card layout with a bordered image with various text in it and a hover effect, designed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The fonts are imported to the form with its URL and JavaScript functions have been used to implement the mouse hover effects. The card is given the styles of font-family as 'Open Sans', Arial, sans-serif, margin as 10px, min-width as 230px, max-width as 315px, width as 100%, color as #ffffff, text-align as center, font-size as 14px, position as relative, padding as 10px, border as 2px solid #e8b563, and box-sizing as border-box. The image has the styles of vertical-align as top, max-width as 100%, and background color as linear-gradient (#000000, #ffffff). The text-transform style for all the titles is set as uppercase to automatically transform the text to uppercase. The header two is given the styles; top as 50%, transform as translateY(-50%), font-size as 2em, and font-family as 'Playfair Display', Arial, sans-serif and half of it is given the color #e8b563. The bottom link is given the styles of font-size: 1.3em, font-weight: 700, and letter-spacing: 2px whereas the styles for the name title is set as font-size: 1.2em, letter-spacing: 1px, font-weight: 400, opacity: 0.9, and font-family: 'Playfair Display', Arial, sans-serif.
This is another example of a card layout with images with a title and a description that appears on hover, designed using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. The fonts and images are imported to the form with their URLs. JavaScript functions have been used to implement the mouse hover effects. The image card is given the styles of background-color as #fff, color as #ffffff, display as inline-block, font-family as 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif, font-size as 16px, margin as 10px 5px, max-width as 315px, min-width as 230px, overflow as hidden, position as relative, text-align as right, and width as 100%. The image has the styles of vertical-align as top, max-width as 100%, and backface-visibility as hidden. The upper layer is given the color #b81212 which takes a transforming effect of skew(-30deg), in a hover event. The name has the styles of font-family as 'Teko', sans-serif, font-size as 36px, font-weight as 700, line-height as 1em, and text-transform as uppercase whereas the description is given a font-size of 0.9em.
This is a template of a web form with rounded images with an icon on a hover event, designed using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. The fonts and images are imported to the form with their URLs. JavaScript functions have been used to implement the mouse hover effects. The image card is given the styles of position as relative, display as inline-block, margin as 20px, max-width as 190px, width as 100%, color as #bbb, font-size as 16px, and transform as translateZ(0). The image is given the styles of vertical-align as top, max-width as 100%, backface-visibility as hidden, padding as 10px, and border-radius as 50% to make it a circle. The icon in the middle is given the styles of position as absolute, top as 50%, left as 50%, font size as 4em, and transform as translate(-50%, -50%). In a hover event, the background of the image changes the color to rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9) and its opacity to 1 whereas the border of the image with the style 2px solid #bbb gets a transforming effect of rotate(45deg).