This is an example of another stylish login form, designed using CSS, HTML, and Bootstrap framework 4. The background image, font style, and Bootstrap styles have been imported to the code with the URLs. The labels of the input fields in the form are given a floating animation, to be activated on the focus mode. The functionality of the labels is implemented by the JavaScript methods. The body of the form is given the styles of background color as #eee, font-family as roboto, and justify-content as center. The login card is given a box-shadow style of 0 1px 6px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 1px 6px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12). The logo in the login card is given an opacity value of 0.8. The input text fields are given the styles of font-size as 18px, border-bottom as 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3), and font color as #eee. The font-size of the text fields' labels is set as 18px, which gets changed to 14px, in a hover event. Source:
This is an example of another contact us form with floating labels, designed using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap framework 4. The font style is imported to the code using its URL. The users are given the ability to access the contact form on clicking the modal button.The body of the form has the styles of background color as linear-gradient(0deg, #fff, 50%, RGB(210, 231, 252)), and font-family as 'Rubik', sans-serif. The font size of the title has been calculated using the calc(14px + (17 - 14) * ((100vw - 360px) / (1600 - 320))) formula. The background color of the modal button is set as #52B4DB. The input text fields are given a font-size of 15px, and the opacity is set as 0.5. The font-size of the labels gets changed to 8px in the focused mode, and the font color gets changed to #04A79C to create the floating effect on labels. In a focus event, the input text fields take the effects of border as 1px solid #04A79C, and box-shadow as 2px 2px rgba(233, 226, 226, 0.8). The cursor style for the modal is set as pointer to get the hand cursor effect in the hover event. Source:
This is an example of a stylish contact us form, designed using CSS, HTML, and Bootstrap framework 4. The font style is imported to the form with its URL. The form is given a font-family style as "Poppins", sans-serif. The form is given the styles of max-width as 820px, background-color as #fff, border-radius as 4px, and box-shadow as 0 0 20px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1). The contact information form is given a background color as #D50000. The form title is displayed using the styles of font color as #fff, font-weight as 500, font-size as 1.5rem, and line-height as 1. The input text fields are given the styles of border as 2px solid #fafafa, font color as #fff, font-weight as 500, font-size as 0.95rem, and letter-spacing as 0.5px. The 'Send' button is given the styles of background-color as #fff, border as 2px solid #fafafa, font-size as 0.95rem, font color as #1abc9c, and line-height as 1. The cursor style for the button is set as pointer to get the hand cursor effect on hover. The background color of the button turns to transparent on hover. The social media icons take a transform effect of scale(1.05), in a hover event. Source: