This is a template of a web form with breadcrumb buttons, designed using CSS and HTML. The buttons take a fill effect in a hover event. The Li element of lists has been used to display the buttons in a list. The breadcrumbs are initially given a general set of styles such as float as left, margin-right as 5px, border as 2px solid #e66120, border-radius as 10px, background color as #e66120, font size as 14px, font-weight as bold and font color as #fff. The last child of the set is given the styles of padding as 10px 15px, background color as #fff, and font color as #e66120. The display is set as block for all the buttons.
This is another template of a web form with breadcrumb buttons, designed using CSS and HTML. The Li element of lists has been used to display the buttons in a list. The last child of the set is given the styles of padding as 7px 15px, font color as #fff, background color as #188c9c, and a position as relative. The text-transform is set as uppercase to automatically transform it to uppercase. Other buttons are given a similar set of styles with the display is always set as block and font-weight set as bold.
This is a template of a web form with breadcrumb buttons, designed using CSS and HTML. The buttons take a fill effect in a hover event. The Li element of lists has been used to display the buttons in a list. The last child of the set is given the styles of padding as 5px 15px, font size as 15px, font-weight as bold, color as #fff, background as #ff0000, border-radius as 10px, and a border of 1px solid #ff0000. The other buttons are given a similar set of styles except for the border 1px solid #909090 and the font color #ff0000. In a hover event, the buttons take the color of #ff0000 and transform the text color to #fff with a transition of all 0.3s ease 0s. The circular-shaped buttons that are connected to the breadcrumbs have the styles of width and height as 18px, border-radius as 50% to get the circular shape, background color of #fff and a border of 4px solid #ff0000