This is a template of a web form with an animated bootstrap product banner, designed using HTML, CSS, and bootstrap 4 framework. The images and fonts are imported to the form with their URLs. The form is given a style set of font-family as "Montserrat", sans-serif, color as #8d97ad, font-weight as 300, padding-top as 80px, and opacity as 0.8. The header text is given the styles line-height as 40px, and font-size as 36px, whereas the image is given a margin-top and bottom values of 80px and -100px respectively. The background of the form is set to a linear gradient color of #2cdd9b. The "Take a tour" button has the background color as same as the color of the form, which takes the color #ffffff in a hover effect while the "Request a demo" button is given a background and a border color of #263238, which takes the background color #ffffff in a hover effect.