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This is an example of a form with buttons, designed using HTML and CSS. Bootstrap CSS styles have been imported to the HTML file with the use of the link and script elements. The basic CSS has been used to apply the borders of the labels to be curved with the use of the border radius in the CSS styles. The bootstrap class “names” has been used in the HTML to display the button with the bootstrap styles as well. CSS style “classes” has been added to the CSS and been appended to its element in the HTML in order to add the styles to the buttons classes and override them.
This is an example of a form of buttons with labels based on iOS styles with the use of HTML and CSS. Bootstrap CSS styles have been imported to the HTML file with the use of the link and script elements. The basic CSS has been used to apply the borders of the labels to be curved with the use of the border-radius in the CSS styles. The bootstrap class “names” has been used in the HTML to display the button with the bootstrap styles as well. The button hover effects are added to the HTML by the use of the hover class in CSS styles and adding the background color on the mouse hover. To apply the styles based on the clicked element, the style element “focus” has been used. When a button is focused, its values will be set to color- #fff, background-color - #007aff and the border color- #007aff.
This is a simple example on buttons with labels with the use of HTML and CSS. In order to get the bootstrap styles, the bootstrap CSS styles has been imported to the HTML file with the use of the link and script elements. The border-radius has been used in order to curve the edges of the border. The bootstrap class “names” has been used in the HTML to display the button with the bootstrap styles as well. Source: https://bootsnipp.com/snippets/k26B
This is a form where users can either log in through regular user name and password or via social media accounts. The media queries have been used to implement the responsive styles to the HTML based on the screen of the user. The button hovers effects are added to the HTML by the use of the hover class in CSS styles and adding the background color on the mouse hover. The style element focus has been used to apply the styles based on the clicked element. The background colors have been set by the use of the CSS style background. Google font has been imported by adding its URL and the @import class in CSS to display text. On a mouse hover event, the href style will be set to opacity - 0.8, color - #ff5400 and text-decoration – none
This is an example for a newsletter subscription designed using HTML and CSS. The background colors have been set by the use of CSS style background with the URL of the image added. Google font has been imported by adding its URL and the @import class in CSS to display text. The media queries have been used in the CSS to implement the responsive styles to the HTML based on the screen of the user. The button hover effects are added to the HTML by the use of the hover class in CSS styles and adding the background color on the mouse hover. The background element in CSS has been used to set up the image and it will be on the top at all times regardless of the screen height as it is set as top and fixed. To convert the text to uppercase automatically, CSS style text-transform has been used with the value set to uppercase. Source: https://codepen.io/shamim539/pen/grqREx
This is a template for a subscribe section in a newsletter designed using HTML and CSS. The background colors have been set by the use of CSS style background with the URL of the image added. Google font has been imported by adding its URL and the @import class in CSS to display text. The media queries have been used in the CSS to implement the responsive styles to the HTML based on the screen of the user. The button hovers effects have been added to the HTML with the use of the hover class in CSS styles. Source: https://codepen.io/JSilva1/pen/wyBQQx?page=8
This is an example of a signup form in a newsletter with HTML and pure CSS. The background colors have been set by the use of CSS style background with its values set to blue (#1e46c2). Google font has been imported by adding its URL and the @import class in CSS to display text. CSS style transition has been used to implement the slide in animations. The image has been set with the use of the img element in HTML by setting the image URL as the src of the element. The color of the panel is set as #416efe while the border-radius value is set to 5px and the position of the value as relative to get the circle shape. Source: https://codepen.io/encoder_decoder/pen/rKqxBb?page=7
This is a template for a newsletter form designed using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The background images have been set up by adding the URL of the images. The media queries have been used to dynamically change the CSS styles of the element based on the screen resolution of the user. The JavaScript function has been used to expand the paragraphs on a click event. CSS style “display” has been used with the value block to display the HTML block values and to the same style has been used with a none value to hide the content. Source: https://codepen.io/tjstoll/pen/pOXdWW?page=6