
progress bar style 6

This is an example of a web form with an animated striped progress bar, designed using HTML, and CSS. progress-bar-striped active has been added to the progress-bar class to create and style the animated striped feature of the progress bar. The label of the progress bar has the styles of font size as 18px, font-weight as 700, color as #000, letter-spacing as 2px, and a margin as 0 0 15px whereas the bar is given a set of styles such as position as relative, WebKit animation as 2s linear 0s normal none infinite running progress-bar-stripes,animate-positive 1s, and animation as 2s linear 0s normal none infinite running progress-bar-stripes,animate-positive 1s. The progress value number is given a styles set of font size as 15px, width as 50px, height 100%, font-weight as 600, font color as #fff, background color as #000, top and right as 0, and position as absolute. Each bar is given a border-left color of its own, #d9534f, #5bc0de, #f0ad4e, and #5cb85c, respectively.

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