
My name is Nick La (@nickla), Toronto-based web designer and illustrator. I design stock icons, WordPress themes, illustrations and CSS websites. I’ve spoke at Future of Web Design NYC (2008 & 2010), WordCamp Toronto 2009, Frontend 2010 (Oslo, Norway), and Mad in Spain 2011 (Madrid). I started Web Designer Wall in August 2007 as my personal blog to talk about design ideas, trends, and tutorials. The site has been featured on many magazines and galleries. It is also recognized as one of the popular design blogs due to quality content and beautiful design. Thank you for your support and visit.

Enjoy your stay and have a wonderful day!

Suggestions & Contribution

I’m open to any suggestions and contribution (ie. guest blogging). If you have ideas that would to share with me, please contact me or send me a mention on Twitter @nickla.

Disclaimer / Copyright Notice

All content including articles and graphics copyright Web Designer Wall, unless otherwise stated. You may share the article links or excerpts, but please do not copy entire article and re-publish it without prior permission. You may print the articles and distribute them, however, they may not be resold without prior permission.

All source files downloaded from Web Designer Wall are for educational purpose; they are not for commercial use or any other purposes, unless otherwise stated.