This tutorial will show you how to create an interactive map of the world you can use to display travel photos. In the process, you’ll be introduced to Raphael.js. It is a small JavaScript library that makes it easy to work with vector graphics. Instead of using HTML5 Canvas for interactive animations, it uses SVG (for modern browsers) and VML (for IE8 and earlier). This means that Raphael.js looks great on modern browsers and mobile devices, but degrades gracefully and is functional on legacy browsers. Because it is written in JavaScript, it’s very easy to integrate with other elements in the DOM. This makes it a great choice for all sorts of interactive animations and a useful tool to add to your skill set.

Note: this is a guest post by Chris Youderian.

The Final Result

Before we get started, click on the image below to view the demo:

interactive world map

You can also download the full source code for the demo to reference as you work through the tutorial.

Tutorial Outline

This tutorial consists of 4 steps:

  1. Create a Raphael paper and place it on the webpage
  2. Fill the paper with a rectangle for the ocean and a path of the world
  3. Add locations to represent cities around the world
  4. Add event listeners to these location markers to make the map interactive

1. Create a Raphael paper and place it on the webpage

First, download the raphael-min.js file from the Raphael.js website. Place it in a folder next to a blank worldmap.js file that you have created for the JavaScript code. Add a blank HTML file to the folder and reference both
the raphael-min.js and the worldmap.js files in the <head> of the document. In the body of the HTML file, add a div with id=”map”. Later, we will use JavaScript to select this div and replace it with the map.

Built using Raphael.js Library

Now, we can begin writing JavaScript. The JavaScript should execute after the page has loaded, so add the following event listener to the window object:

if (window.addEventListener){ // W3C standard
 window.addEventListener('load', function(){worldmap()}, false);
else if (window.attachEvent){ // Microsoft
 window.attachEvent('onload', function(){worldmap()});

This is equivalent to $(window).load() in jQuery (isn’t jQuery?succinct?). After the window has loaded, the event listener will call the function worldmap(). This is where the meat of the code will reside.

Create the worldmap() function and tell Raphael to create a paper in the “map” div. The width of the paper is inherited from the div so that the map can be used in responsive designs. The height of the map is always 62 percent of the width, to be consistent with the world’s mapped dimensions.

function worldmap(){
 var div = document.getElementById('map');
 var width=div.offsetWidth;
 var scale=width/887;
 var height=width*.62;
 var paper = Raphael(div, width, height); //create the Raphael paper in the map div

scale will be used later to shrink or expand elements in the paper relative to the width of the map. This makes it so that when the size of the map paper changes, the land will scale accordingly.

2. Fill the paper with a rectangle for the ocean and a path of the world

At this point, we have created a?paper, but it is still blank. To fill it in, create a rectangle to represent the ocean. To do this in Raphael, call the method rect from the paper object. The rectangle will have the same width and height as the paper. To make the background blue, give the background element some attributes using the attr method.

var background=paper.rect(0, 0, width, height); //create the background
background.attr({fill: 'skyblue', 'stroke-width': 0});

Any HTML 6-digit hex code or HTML color name can be used for the fill. Setting the stroke-width equal to zero prevents the rectangle from having a border. You can read the full list of possible attributes in the Raphael documentation.


Now, it’s time to add some land to the map. Download this Mercator projection of the world in svg format. This file is the cleaned and minimized version of this open source Wikipedia file. Raphael uses the same path format that is used by SVG. So, open the mercator.svg file in a text editor and extract the path that is between d=” and “:

SVG example

Paste this into the JavaScript file as a string:

var map_path="m 267.53333,537.24584 c -0.6,-0.6 -1,-2.2 -1,-3.5 0,-1.4 -0.8,-3.4 -1.8,-4.4 -1.3,-1.5 -1.4,-2.1 -0.4,-2.4 1,-0.3 0.8,-0.8 -0.5,-1.8 -1.6,-1.2 -1.6,-1.5 -0.3,-2.4 1.2,-0.8 1.2,-1 0.1,-1 -0.8,0 -1.1,-0.6 -0.8,-1.5 0.3,-0.8 0.1,-1.5 -0.4,-1.5 -1.6,0 -1.1,-1.9 1,-3.7 2.4,-2 2.6,-3.7 0.5,-2.9 -0.9,0.4 -1.5,0 -1.5,-0.9 0,-0.8 1,-1.9 2.3,-2.4 1.2,-0.5 1.7,-0.9 1,-1 -1.8,-0.1 -1.6,-3 0.3,-3.7 0.8,-0.3 1.5,-1.4 1.5,-2.4 0,-1.3 -0.5,-1.7 -1.7,-1.2 -1.4,0.5 -1.5,0.2 -1,-1.8 0.4,-1.3 0.9,-3.7 1.1,-5.3 0.2,-1.6 1,-3.3 1.7,-3.8 1,-0.7 1,-1 0,-1.4 -1.4,-0.6 -1.7,-5.4 -0.4,-6.9 1.4,-1.6 3.5,-9.7 3.7,-13.9 0.3,-6.3 1.7,-15 2.4,-15.3 0.4,-0.2 0.5,-1.6 0.3,-3.2 -0.2,-1.6 0,-4.3 0.6,-6 0.6,-1.8 0.7,-3 0.1,-3 -0.5,0 -0.9,-1.5 -0.9,-3.4 0,-3.6 -2.4,-6.3 -8.7,-9.7 -2.1,-1.1 -4.2,-4.1 -7.3,-10.3 -2.4,-4.8 -5.1,-9.3 -6.1,-10 -1,-0.7 -2.1,-2.6 -2.4,-4.3 -0.5,-2.6 -0.3,-3.1 1.7,-3.7 1.8,-0.5 2,-0.8 1,-1.5 -1.8,-1.1 -0.6,-8 1.4,-8.8 0.8,-0.3 1.4,-1.4 1.4,-2.3 0,-1 0.8,-2 1.8,-2.3 1.5,-0.4 1.7,-1.2 1.4,-4.4 -0.2,-2.1 -1.2,-5 -2,-6.2 -1.4,-2.1 -1.7,-2.2 -2.7,-0.8 -0.6,0.9 -1.5,1.3 -1.8,0.9 -0.4,-0.4 -0.7,-0.1 -0.7,0.5 0,0.6 -0.7,0.9 -1.5,0.6 -2.4,-0.9 -1.7,-3.2 1.5,-4.9 2.7,-1.4 3.4,-1.4 5.9,-0.1 2.6,1.3 3.1,1.3 4.5,-0.3 0.9,-0.9 1.6,-2.3 1.6,-3 0,-0.8 0.9,-1.1 2.4,-0.8 1.6,0.3 2.9,-0.2 3.7,-1.4 1.6,-2.2 4.3,-2.5 3.5,-0.3 -0.4,0.9 0,1.5 0.9,1.5 0.8,0 1.5,-0.7 1.5,-1.5 0,-2 0.7,-1.9 3.2,0.5 2.3,2.1 4.5,2.5 11.6,2.1 2.7,-0.2 4.1,0.1 3.8,0.7 -0.3,0.5 0.7,1.5 2.4,2.2 1.6,0.7 3,1.6 3,2.1 0,0.5 0.4,0.9 0.9,0.9 0.5,0 2.2,1.1 3.6,2.5 1.6,1.5 3.9,2.5 5.6,2.5 1.6,0 2.9,0.4 2.9,0.9 0,0.5 0.8,0.7 1.8,0.5 3.7,-0.8 9.6,8.3 7.2,11.1 -0.7,0.9 0.1,1.4 3.5,1.9 2.5,0.4 5.1,1.3 5.9,2.1 0.8,0.8 1.6,1.2 1.9,0.9 0.3,-0.3 2.4,0.2 4.9,1.1 2.4,0.9 5.6,1.7 7.1,1.9 1.5,0.2 3.9,1.3 5.4,2.5 1.5,1.2 3.4,2.1 4.1,2.1 0.8,0 1.1,0.5 0.8,1 -0.3,0.6 -0.1,1 0.5,1 0.6,0 0.9,0.6 0.6,1.4 -0.3,0.8 0,1.7 0.6,2 0.9,0.4 0.9,0.7 -0.1,1.2 -0.7,0.3 -1,1 -0.7,1.5 0.3,0.5 -1.2,3.4 -3.5,6.4 -2.3,3.1 -4.1,6.5 -4.1,8 0,3.5 -2,11.7 -3.4,13.3 -0.6,0.7 -1.5,2.3 -2.1,3.5 -0.6,1.2 -2.4,2.5 -4,3 -8.4,2.6 -13.6,6.5 -12.8,9.7 0.3,1.3 -0.2,3.2 -1.4,4.8 -1.1,1.5 -2.3,3.7 -2.7,5 -0.4,1.3 -1.8,2.7 -3,3.2 -1.3,0.5 -3.1,2.6 -4.1,4.9 -1.4,3.2 -2.3,4 -4.4,3.9 -5,-0.1 -5.2,0.1 -4.1,2.2 0.8,1.5 0.7,2.7 -0.5,5 -1.4,2.7 -2.7,3.4 -6.2,3.3 -0.7,0 -1,0.4 -0.7,0.8 0.3,0.5 -0.6,0.9 -1.9,0.9 -2,0 -2.6,0.6 -2.8,2.8 -0.3,2.4 -0.7,2.7 -3.6,2.6 -2.6,-0.1 -3.2,0.2 -3,1.5 0.2,0.9 0.8,1.7 1.5,1.7 2.4,0 2.6,1.6 0.5,3.1 -1.2,0.8 -2.2,2.3 -2.2,3.3 0,1 -1.4,3.1 -3,4.7 l -3,2.9 2.5,1.3 c 3.2,1.7 3.2,2.7 0,6.4 -1.4,1.6 -2.5,3.6 -2.5,4.3 0,0.7 -0.7,1.6 -1.5,1.9 -1.7,0.7 -2,4.2 -0.4,5.2 0.6,0.4 0.9,1.2 0.6,1.9 -0.3,0.7 0.2,2.3 0.9,3.6 0.7,1.3 1.4,2.8 1.4,3.3 0.1,1.2 -12.7,0.6 -13.9,-0.7 z m 11.3,-2.2 c -0.3,-0.8 -0.8,-1.3 -1.1,-1.1 -0.3,0.3 -0.2,1 0.2,1.5 1,1.6 1.6,1.3 0.9,-0.5 z m 16.8,-3.7 c -1.4,-1.4 -1.6,-3.1 -0.2,-2.3 0.5,0.3 1.2,-0.3 1.6,-1.4 0.8,-2.5 3.1,-2.6 4.4,-0.3 1,1.7 1,1.7 1,0 0,-1.9 1.7,-2.2 4,-0.8 1.3,0.8 1,1.4 -1.4,3.5 -3.1,2.7 -5.6,3.3 -5.6,1.4 0,-0.8 -0.4,-0.8 -1.3,0 -1,0.8 -1.6,0.8 -2.5,-0.1 z m 530.2,-22.8 c -1.2,-0.5 -2.3,-1.6 -2.3,-2.3 0,-2.2 9.4,-11 10.5,-9.8 0.4,0.4 0.6,0.2 0.4,-0.3 -0.4,-1.6 1.9,-6.5 3.1,-6.5 0.6,0 1,0.4 1,0.8 0,0.4 0.9,0.9 2,0.9 1.1,0.1 2,-0.5 2,-1.3 0,-0.8 -0.9,-1.4 -2,-1.4 -2.3,0 -2.7,-2.5 -0.6,-3.3 1.5,-0.6 2.9,-5.7 1.6,-5.7 -1.2,0 -5.3,-7 -4.5,-7.8 0.4,-0.4 1,-0.2 1.4,0.4 0.4,0.6 1.5,1.3 2.4,1.7 1,0.4 1.8,1.6 1.8,2.7 0,1.2 0.4,1.8 1.1,1.4 0.6,-0.4 1.3,0.3 1.6,1.4 0.4,1.4 1.4,2.1 2.8,2.1 1.7,0 2.3,0.6 2.3,2.5 0,1.4 -0.5,2.5 -1.2,2.5 -0.6,0 -1.7,1.4 -2.3,3.1 -0.6,1.7 -2,3.3 -3,3.6 -1,0.3 -2.7,2 -3.7,3.9 -1,1.9 -2.1,3.2 -2.4,2.9 -0.3,-0.3 -1.7,1.6 -3.1,4.2 -2.7,5 -4.7,5.9 -8.8,4.3 z m -50.2,-9.7 c -1.5,-1.1 -2.1,-2.3 -1.8,-3.9 0.3,-1.3 0.1,-2.4 -0.4,-2.4 -0.5,0 -0.9,-0.4 -0.9,-0.9 0,-0.5 1,-0.9 2.3,-0.9 5.3,0 6,-0.3 5.4,-1.8 -0.4,-1 -0.2,-1.4 0.6,-1.2 2.6,0.9 1.8,9.6 -1.2,11.5 -1.4,0.9 -2.3,0.8 -4.1,-0.4 z m -6.9,-14.2 c -0.8,-0.5 -1.9,-0.7 -2.6,-0.4 -1.4,0.6 -4.2,-2.5 -4.7,-5.1 -0.3,-1.5 -1.2,-2 -3.4,-2 -1.6,0 -3,-0.4 -3,-0.9 0,-0.5 -1.1,-1.3 -2.5,-1.9 -1.4,-0.5 -2,-1.2 -1.4,-1.4 1.5,-0.6 -3.9,-6.3 -6,-6.3 -0.8,0 -1.8,-0.4 -2.1,-0.9 -0.6,-1 -9.5,0.3 -13.8,2 -1.5,0.6 -2.9,1.7 -3.2,2.5 -0.3,0.9 -2.1,1.4 -4.9,1.4 -2.4,0 -5.2,0.7 -6.3,1.5 -2.4,1.8 -6.4,1.9 -8.7,0.1 -1.9,-1.4 -2.4,-3.6 -0.8,-3.6 0.6,0 1,-0.8 1,-1.7 0,-1.5 -2.9,-10.7 -4.8,-15.3 -0.9,-2.2 -1.1,-8 -0.2,-7.5 0.4,0.2 0.5,-0.6 0.3,-1.9 -0.4,-1.8 0.3,-2.8 3.2,-4.6 2,-1.2 4.3,-2 5,-1.7 0.8,0.3 1.6,0.1 1.8,-0.5 0.2,-0.6 1.9,-1.3 3.7,-1.7 2.5,-0.5 3.9,-1.6 5.2,-4.2 1,-1.9 2,-3.3 2.1,-3.1 0.1,0.2 2,-1.2 4.1,-3.3 4.2,-4 6.1,-4.5 8.6,-2.2 1.5,1.3 1.8,1.2 3,-2 0.8,-1.9 1.8,-3.5 2.4,-3.5 0.6,0 0.4,-0.5 -0.4,-1.1 -1.1,-0.8 0,-0.9 4,-0.4 3,0.4 6.6,0.7 8,0.8 2.1,0.1 2.6,0.8 2.8,3.5 0.2,2.4 0,3.1 -0.9,2.6 -0.7,-0.4 -1,-0.3 -0.8,0.5 0.2,0.7 2.5,2.4 5,3.8 5.8,3.2 7.5,2.2 7,-4.3 -0.2,-2.5 0.1,-4.4 0.7,-4.4 0.6,0 0.8,-0.8 0.5,-1.9 -0.3,-1 0,-2.2 0.6,-2.6 1.2,-0.8 3.4,4.1 2.7,6 -0.3,0.7 0.7,1.7 2,2.3 1.4,0.6 2.2,1.6 1.9,2.1 -0.3,0.5 -0.2,1 0.3,1 0.5,0 1.4,1.8 2.1,4 0.8,2.7 2.1,4.5 4,5.5 1.6,0.8 3.3,2.8 3.9,4.5 0.6,1.7 1.3,3 1.7,3 0.3,0 0.3,-0.5 -0.1,-1.2 -0.4,-0.7 -0.3,-0.9 0.4,-0.4 0.6,0.4 1.2,1.1 1.2,1.6 0,1.5 3.3,5 4.7,5 0.7,0 1.3,0.7 1.3,1.5 0,0.8 -0.5,1.5 -1.1,1.5 -0.8,0 -0.8,0.4 -0.1,1.3 1.4,1.7 1.3,10.1 -0.1,11 -0.8,0.5 -0.8,0.7 0.1,0.8 0.8,0 -0.3,2.9 -2.7,7.5 -2.2,4.1 -4.1,8.5 -4.2,9.7 -0.2,1.3 -1.2,2.4 -2.3,2.6 -1.1,0.2 -2.8,1.1 -3.8,1.9 -1.4,1.2 -2.3,1.3 -4.2,0.4 -1.5,-0.7 -2.7,-0.8 -3.1,-0.2 -0.7,1.2 -1.6,1.2 -3.4,0 z m -285,-13.5 c -1.2,-1.5 -1.8,-3.4 -1.5,-4.6 0.3,-1.1 0,-2.6 -0.7,-3.4 -0.7,-0.8 -0.9,-1.9 -0.6,-2.5 0.4,-0.6 0.1,-1 -0.5,-1 -0.6,0 -0.9,-0.6 -0.7,-1.3 0.3,-0.7 -0.4,-1.9 -1.4,-2.5 -1.1,-0.7 -1.7,-1.6 -1.3,-2.2 0.3,-0.5 0.1,-1 -0.6,-1 -0.6,0 -0.9,-0.7 -0.6,-1.5 0.3,-0.8 0.1,-1.5 -0.4,-1.5 -0.5,0 -0.9,-1.5 -0.8,-3.4 0.1,-1.9 -0.5,-4.6 -1.5,-6 -1,-1.5 -1.4,-3.2 -1,-3.9 0.4,-0.7 0.3,-0.9 -0.1,-0.5 -1,0.9 -3.7,-4.2 -3.1,-5.9 0.3,-0.7 0,-1.6 -0.5,-1.9 -1.2,-0.7 -0.5,-3.5 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-5.2,-13.9 -0.8,0 -1.7,-0.7 -2,-1.5 -0.6,-1.6 -0.5,-1.6 3,-2 1.2,-0.1 3,-0.5 4,-0.9 1.5,-0.6 1.6,-0.8 0.3,-1.6 -1.3,-0.8 -1.3,-0.9 0.1,-0.9 0.9,0 2.1,0.5 2.8,1.2 0.9,0.9 1.2,0.8 1.2,-0.4 0,-0.9 0.7,-1.9 1.5,-2.2 0.8,-0.3 1.5,-1 1.5,-1.5 0,-1.1 -9.1,-0.3 -10.4,1 -0.5,0.5 -2.3,0.9 -3.9,0.9 l -3,0 2.3,-2.5 c 1.3,-1.4 1.8,-2.5 1.2,-2.5 -0.6,0 -1.2,-0.7 -1.2,-1.5 0,-0.8 0.5,-1.5 1.1,-1.5 0.6,0 0.8,-0.4 0.5,-0.9 -0.9,-1.4 0.5,-4.1 2.2,-4.1 1,0 1.3,-0.6 0.9,-1.6 -0.3,-0.9 -0.6,-2 -0.6,-2.5 0,-0.5 -0.4,-0.9 -1,-0.9 -0.5,0 -0.7,0.7 -0.4,1.5 0.3,0.8 0.1,1.5 -0.4,1.5 -1.3,0 -2.4,-2.9 -1.7,-4.1 0.3,-0.5 0.2,-0.9 -0.1,-0.9 -0.9,0 -3.4,3.2 -3.4,4.5 0,0.6 0.4,0.3 0.9,-0.5 0.5,-0.8 1.3,-1.1 1.7,-0.7 0.4,0.4 0,1.4 -1,2.1 -1.1,0.8 -1.4,1.5 -0.7,1.7 0.7,0.2 0.9,1.4 0.5,3 -0.8,3.2 -7.7,6 -9.8,4 -0.9,-0.9 -0.9,-1.6 -0.1,-3 0.6,-1 0.9,-3 0.6,-4.5 -0.4,-2 -0.1,-2.7 1.1,-2.7 0.9,0 1.6,-0.8 1.6,-2 0,-1.6 0.7,-2 3,-2 4,0 4.6,-2.1 2.1,-7.1 -2.1,-4 -2,-5.9 0.1,-5.9 0.6,0 0.8,0.8 0.4,1.8 -0.4,1.2 0,1 1.4,-0.6 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2.6,-1.5 5.7,-2.2 11.1,-2.3 4.1,-0.1 9,-0.6 10.7,-1 2.9,-0.6 3.3,-0.4 4.3,2.2 0.8,2.1 0.8,3.4 0,4.6 -0.7,1.1 -0.7,1.8 -0.1,1.8 0.6,0 1,0.7 1,1.5 0,1 1.4,1.7 4.1,2.1 4.2,0.7 7.4,2.9 6.4,4.4 -0.3,0.5 0.1,0.7 0.8,0.4 0.8,-0.3 2.5,-0.1 3.8,0.4 2.9,1.1 4.7,0 5.1,-3.2 z m 27.8,-7 c 0,-0.8 1.4,-1.9 3,-2.5 1.6,-0.6 3,-0.7 3,-0.3 -0.1,2.7 -6,5.5 -6,2.9 z m -71.5,-11.6 c -0.3,-0.5 -0.1,-1.2 0.4,-1.6 0.6,-0.3 1,0.1 1,0.9 0,1.8 -0.6,2 -1.5,0.6 z m 16.5,-1.9 c 0,-1.1 -0.3,-2.7 -0.6,-3.6 -0.4,-1 -0.1,-1.6 1,-1.6 1.4,0 1.4,-0.3 0.4,-2 -1,-1.5 -1,-2.2 0,-3.2 1.8,-1.8 2.2,-0.9 2.5,5.7 0.2,5 0,6 -1.5,6.3 -1.2,0.2 -1.8,-0.3 -1.8,-1.6 z m -13.5,-0.2 c -0.7,-1.2 3.6,-3 5,-2.1 0.6,0.3 0.2,0.8 -0.8,1 -1,0.2 -1.8,0.8 -1.8,1.3 0,1.2 -1.7,1.2 -2.5,-0.1 z m 51.5,-1 c 0,-0.6 0.5,-1 1,-1 0.6,0 1,0.5 1,1 0,0.6 -0.5,1 -1,1 -0.6,0 -1,-0.5 -1,-1 z m 64.4,8.4 c 2.1,-0.8 2.1,-5.8 0,-7.8 -1.9,-1.9 -1.1,-3.6 1.7,-3.6 1.7,0 1.8,-0.3 0.9,-1.4 -0.7,-0.8 -1.8,-1.2 -2.6,-0.9 -0.9,0.3 -1.4,-0.1 -1.4,-1 0,-0.9 -1.1,-2.8 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-1.4,0.9 -1.3,-0.3 -2.6,0.3 -3.7,1.8 -2,2.6 -1.6,2.9 1.5,1.2 1.6,-0.9 2.3,-0.8 2.9,0.3 0.4,0.8 1.7,1.4 2.8,1.4 1.1,0 1.8,-0.3 1.6,-0.7 z m 4.7,-11.8 c 0.2,-1.3 0.9,-2.6 1.6,-2.8 1.8,-0.6 1.5,2.3 -0.3,3.8 -1.4,1.2 -1.6,1 -1.3,-1 z m 374,-41.5 c 0,-0.8 -0.4,-1.5 -1,-1.5 -0.5,0 -0.7,0.7 -0.4,1.5 0.3,0.8 0.8,1.5 1,1.5 0.2,0 0.4,-0.7 0.4,-1.5 z m -313.5,261.2 c -1,-0.7 -1.5,-1.8 -1.2,-2.4 0.4,-0.6 0.2,-1.4 -0.3,-1.7 -1.2,-0.7 -1,-5.5 0.2,-7.2 0.5,-0.7 0.6,-2.9 0.3,-5 -0.7,-4.5 -0.2,-5.4 4.2,-7.7 1.8,-0.9 3.6,-2.4 3.9,-3.3 0.3,-0.9 1.4,-2.4 2.4,-3.4 1.5,-1.5 1.9,-1.5 2.9,-0.4 0.6,0.8 0.9,1.9 0.5,2.4 -0.4,0.6 -0.2,1 0.4,1 1.6,0 1.3,4 -0.4,4.6 -0.8,0.3 -1.2,1 -0.9,1.5 0.9,1.5 -0.6,8 -1.6,7.3 -0.5,-0.3 -0.7,0.1 -0.3,1 0.3,0.9 0.1,1.6 -0.6,1.6 -0.6,0 -0.9,0.4 -0.6,0.9 0.3,0.5 0.1,3 -0.6,5.6 -0.9,3.4 -1.8,4.9 -3.6,5.6 -3,1.1 -2.6,1.2 -4.8,-0.4 z m 276.6,-9 c -2.4,-2.5 -2.7,-3.7 -1.2,-3.7 1.3,0 5,3.7 5,5 0,1.7 -1.5,1.1 -3.8,-1.3 z m -9.2,-26.2 c -0.7,-0.8 -1.9,-1.5 -2.6,-1.5 -1.7,0 -1.8,-2 -0.1,-2 1.4,0 -6.7,-3.9 -9.3,-4.4 -1.5,-0.3 -3,-1.9 -3,-3.2 0,-1.4 0.3,-1.4 2.3,-0.1 3.1,2 5.6,3.3 9.8,5.1 2.9,1.3 5.9,4.9 5.9,7.2 0,1 -1.8,0.4 -3,-1 z m -28,-0.5 c 0,-0.5 -0.6,-0.7 -1.4,-0.4 -0.8,0.3 -2.2,-0.6 -3.3,-1.9 -1,-1.3 -2.9,-2.8 -4.2,-3.2 -1.8,-0.6 -2.4,-0.3 -2.8,1.4 -0.6,2.5 -5.4,2.9 -7.2,0.7 -0.6,-0.8 -2.3,-1.3 -3.6,-1.1 -2.4,0.3 -3.6,-1.9 -1.4,-2.6 2,-0.7 -2.1,-4.8 -5.6,-5.4 -1.9,-0.4 -3.7,-1.1 -4,-1.6 -0.3,-0.5 -1,-0.6 -1.6,-0.3 -1.3,0.8 -5.2,-3.3 -4.3,-4.6 0.3,-0.5 -0.1,-1 -0.9,-1 -1.5,0 -2.3,-1.9 -0.8,-2.1 5.5,-1 7.1,-0.6 8.1,2.2 1.2,3.5 1.8,3.6 4.7,0.8 l 2.2,-2.1 5.8,2.1 c 3.2,1.2 6,2.5 6.1,3 0.2,0.5 0.9,0.7 1.7,0.4 0.7,-0.3 2.8,0.9 4.6,2.6 3.3,3.1 5.9,4 5.9,2 0,-0.7 1.2,-0.9 3.1,-0.7 2.3,0.3 3.4,-0.1 4.5,-1.6 1.3,-1.8 1.2,-2.2 -0.1,-2.9 -0.8,-0.5 -1.5,-1.3 -1.5,-1.8 0,-1.1 5.5,1.5 6.5,3.1 1.2,1.9 -3.6,5.3 -8,5.6 -2.2,0.1 -4.2,0.3 -4.3,0.4 -0.1,0.1 -0.7,0.2 -1.2,0.3 -1.7,0.2 -2.4,1.6 -0.8,1.6 0.9,0 1.9,0.9 2.2,1.9 0.3,1.1 1.9,2.4 3.6,2.9 3.6,1.3 3.9,3.1 0.5,3.1 -1.4,0 -2.5,-0.4 -2.5,-1 z m -41,-6 c 0,-0.6 0.5,-1 1,-1 0.6,0 1,0.5 1,1 0,0.6 -0.5,1 -1,1 -0.6,0 -1,-0.5 -1,-1 z m 7,-4 c 0,-1.9 0.3,-2.1 1.2,-1.2 0.9,0.9 0.9,1.5 0,2.4 -0.9,0.9 -1.2,0.7 -1.2,-1.2 z m -34,-1.5 c 0,-0.8 0.5,-1.5 1.1,-1.5 0.6,0 0.1,-0.8 -1.1,-1.8 -2.1,-1.7 -2.1,-1.9 -0.6,-4.8 0.9,-1.6 1.6,-3.6 1.6,-4.3 0,-2.5 2.5,-3.7 8.2,-3.7 5.1,0 5.6,0.2 4.7,1.8 -0.7,1.3 -2.2,1.8 -5.9,1.8 -5,0 -6.7,1.3 -3,2.3 1.1,0.3 1.7,0.1 1.4,-0.4 -0.3,-0.5 0.6,-0.9 2,-0.9 1.4,0 2.6,0.5 2.6,1 0,0.6 -0.6,1 -1.4,1 -2,0 -2.5,2 -1.3,5.3 1.8,5.2 -1.7,5.7 -4,0.7 -1.1,-2.4 -1.2,-2.4 -1.2,1.3 0,2.6 -0.5,3.8 -1.6,3.8 -0.8,0 -1.5,-0.7 -1.5,-1.5 z m -11.1,-4.3 c 0,-1 -0.3,-1.2 -0.6,-0.5 -0.4,0.9 -1,1 -2.4,0.2 -1.4,-0.8 -1.9,-0.7 -2,0.3 -0.1,1 -0.2,1 -0.6,0 -0.3,-0.7 -1.3,-1.3 -2.4,-1.3 -1.3,0 -1.7,-0.6 -1.5,-2 0.2,-1.2 -0.2,-2 -1,-2 -1.6,0 -3,-4.2 -2.1,-6.6 0.4,-1 1.3,-1.4 2.6,-0.9 1.4,0.5 2,0.2 2,-0.9 0,-1 0.9,-1.6 2.3,-1.6 1.3,0 3.5,-1.2 4.9,-2.8 6.3,-6.6 6.3,-6.6 9.2,-4.7 3,2 3.2,2.7 1.1,4.8 -2,2 -1.9,4.5 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-1.2,0 z m -8.5,-3.6 c 0,-1.4 0.6,-2.1 2.1,-2.1 2.6,0 2.3,3.3 -0.3,3.8 -1.2,0.2 -1.7,-0.3 -1.7,-1.7 z m -199.699997,-2.5 c -2.7,-1.3 -2.8,-2.2 -0.5,-3.1 1,-0.4 2.2,0 2.8,0.9 0.6,0.8 1.5,1.2 1.9,0.8 0.4,-0.4 0.6,-0.1 0.3,0.7 -0.6,1.9 -1.8,2.1 -4.6,0.7 z m 193.399997,-2.4 c -1.3,-0.3 -1.6,-0.9 -1.1,-2 0.4,-0.9 1.1,-3.6 1.7,-5.9 0.5,-2.3 1.4,-4 1.9,-3.7 0.5,0.3 0.7,1 0.4,1.5 -0.3,0.5 0.2,0.6 1.1,0.3 1,-0.4 2.2,0 2.8,0.8 0.6,0.8 1.9,1.8 2.9,2.1 1,0.4 1.8,1.3 1.8,2.1 0,0.8 0.9,1.7 2.1,2 1.2,0.3 1.8,1 1.4,1.6 -0.8,1.4 -5.2,1.4 -6.1,0 -0.4,-0.7 -1.1,-0.6 -2.1,0.2 -1.6,1.3 -3.7,1.7 -6.7,1.1 z m 157.3,-2 c -10e-4,-0.4 -1.4,-0.9 -3.2,-1 -3.4,-0.2 -6.6,-2.3 -3.5,-2.3 2.6,0 2,-1.9 -1.1,-3.2 -2.6,-1.1 -2.7,-1.2 -0.5,-1.5 3.1,-0.5 2.8,-2.3 -0.3,-2.3 l -2.6,0 1.8,-3 c 2.1,-3.6 3.7,-3.8 5.8,-0.8 0.9,1.2 1.6,1.7 1.6,1 0,-0.8 1.2,-1.1 3.1,-0.8 2.1,0.2 3.7,-0.3 4.9,-1.4 1.7,-1.7 6.5,-1.7 5.4,0.1 -0.3,0.4 0.2,1.5 1.1,2.4 0.9,0.9 1.3,2 1,2.6 -0.3,0.6 0,1 0.7,1 0.7,0 0.4,0.6 -0.8,1.3 -1.2,0.7 -1.9,1.8 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0.4,-1.5 -1.9,-2.3 -0.3,-3.1 2,-1 1.9,1.8 2,1.8 2.1,-0.1 0.1,-1 0,-2.5 -0.1,-3.3 -0.1,-0.9 0.4,-1.2 1.4,-0.8 1,0.4 1.6,0.1 1.6,-0.9 0,-1 1.1,-1.5 3.5,-1.5 3,0 3.5,0.3 3.5,2.4 0,1.3 -0.4,2.7 -0.9,3 -1.6,1 -1.9,5.4 -0.4,6 0.9,0.3 1.3,1.3 0.9,2.6 -0.3,1.1 -0.1,2 0.4,2 0.5,0 0.9,0.9 0.9,2 0,1.1 1.6,3.5 3.5,5.5 3.3,3.3 4.7,7.6 2.4,7.6 -0.6,0 -0.8,0.9 -0.4,2 0.6,1.8 0.2,2 -3.6,2 -2.6,0 -4.6,-0.6 -5.3,-1.5 -1,-1.4 -1.6,-1.3 -5.6,0.6 -2.5,1.2 -6.3,2.4 -8.5,2.6 -3.6,0.4 -4.2,0.2 -5.2,-2.1 z m 376.3,-1.3 c -0.8,-2.2 1.8,-4.8 3.9,-4 1.8,0.7 1.6,4.3 -0.3,3.9 -0.7,-0.1 -1.2,0.2 -1.2,0.8 0,1.6 -1.7,1.1 -2.4,-0.7 z m 16.4,-12.2 c 0,-0.5 -0.9,-0.7 -2,-0.4 -1.5,0.4 -2,0 -2,-1.6 0,-1.1 -0.9,-2.6 -2.1,-3.2 -1.1,-0.6 -1.8,-1.7 -1.6,-2.5 0.3,-0.7 0,-1.6 -0.7,-1.8 -0.7,-0.3 -0.4,-0.5 0.6,-0.6 1.2,-0.1 1.8,-0.9 1.8,-2.6 0,-1.4 1.2,-4.1 2.6,-6 1.4,-1.9 2.3,-3.9 1.9,-4.5 -0.4,-0.6 0,-2.2 0.9,-3.5 0.9,-1.3 1.6,-3.8 1.6,-5.5 0,-1.7 0.4,-3 0.8,-3 1.1,0 11,-9.8 10.5,-10.4 -0.2,-0.2 0.5,-0.7 1.7,-1.1 1.5,-0.5 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-0.9,-1.7 -1.4,-3.4 -1.1,-3.7 0.9,-0.9 4.5,3.1 4.5,5 0,2.8 -1.7,2.2 -3.4,-1.3 z m 33.4,0.1 c -1.3,-2.4 -0.7,-3.4 1.5,-2.6 1.7,0.6 2.2,4.7 0.6,4.7 -0.5,0 -1.5,-0.9 -2.1,-2.1 z m -49.7,0.4 c -0.7,-0.3 -1,-0.9 -0.7,-1.4 0.3,-0.5 0.1,-0.9 -0.5,-0.9 -0.6,0 -1.1,-0.9 -1.1,-1.9 0,-1.7 4.2,-4.1 7.1,-4.1 1.2,0 0.5,5.6 -1,7.4 -1.4,1.7 -1.8,1.8 -3.8,0.9 z m 39,-1 c -0.7,-0.3 -1.3,-1.4 -1.3,-2.5 0,-1.7 -0.3,-1.8 -1.5,-0.8 -1.2,1 -1.7,0.8 -2.5,-1.5 -0.6,-1.5 -0.8,-3.1 -0.5,-3.5 0.3,-0.5 0.1,-1.1 -0.5,-1.5 -0.6,-0.3 -1,-1.2 -1,-1.8 0,-0.7 0.4,-0.6 1,0.3 0.8,1.3 1,1.2 1,-0.3 0,-1 -0.4,-1.8 -1,-1.8 -0.5,0 -0.7,-0.7 -0.4,-1.5 1.5,-3.8 8.2,2 8.1,6.9 -0.1,1.9 0.7,3.5 2.2,4.6 3.5,2.7 0.7,5.1 -3.7,3.3 z m -44.1,-4 c -0.8,-1.4 -0.8,-2.4 -0.2,-2.8 1.2,-0.7 2.4,1.8 1.8,3.7 -0.3,0.8 -0.8,0.5 -1.6,-0.9 z m 27.8,-0.9 c 0,-1.1 0.5,-1.4 1.6,-1 0.9,0.3 1.8,0.6 2.1,0.6 0.3,0 0.2,0.5 -0.1,1 -1,1.6 -3.5,1.2 -3.5,-0.6 z m 2.6,-2 c -2.1,-1.8 -3.6,-2.4 -5.3,-1.9 -1.3,0.3 -2.4,0.4 -2.4,0.2 0,-0.2 -0.3,-1.1 -0.6,-1.9 -0.4,-0.9 0.1,-1.6 1.2,-1.8 1.5,-0.3 1.3,-0.8 -1.4,-3.4 -1.8,-1.7 -3.2,-3.6 -3.2,-4.2 0,-1.6 4.9,-2.6 6.3,-1.3 0.6,0.6 1.8,1.1 2.7,1.1 2.1,0 6.1,4.4 6.5,7.2 0.2,1.3 0.8,3.4 1.3,4.8 1.9,4.7 -0.6,5.4 -5.1,1.4 z m 467.4,-2.8 c 0,-1.4 0.3,-2.6 0.8,-2.6 0.4,-0.001 0.8,-1.4 1,-3 0.2,-3 -1.8,-4.2 -3.2,-2 -0.8,1.3 -4.5,1.3 -4.5,-0.1 0,-0.6 -0.4,-0.8 -0.8,-0.5 -0.5,0.3 -1.8,-0.4 -3,-1.5 -1.2,-1.1 -2.2,-1.7 -2.2,-1.3 0,0.4 -0.9,-0.5 -2.1,-2 -1.2,-1.5 -1.8,-3.3 -1.5,-4.1 0.4,-1 -0.1,-1.4 -1.7,-1.2 -1.4,0.1 -2.2,-0.3 -2.2,-1.3 0,-0.8 -0.5,-1.9 -1,-2.3 -0.6,-0.5 0.2,-0.6 1.6,-0.3 3.4,0.7 4.2,-0.2 2.4,-2.8 -0.8,-1.2 -1.5,-3.3 -1.5,-4.9 0,-2.2 0.7,-3.1 3.5,-4.2 2.4,-1 3.5,-2.1 3.5,-3.5 0,-1.2 0.7,-2.1 1.6,-2.1 1.1,0 1.5,0.6 1.1,2 -0.4,1.3 0.1,2.2 1.4,2.6 2,0.6 2.2,1.6 1.3,6.3 -0.4,1.9 -1.4,3.2 -2.6,3.6 -1.2,0.3 -1.7,1 -1.3,1.7 0.5,0.9 0.9,0.9 1.5,-0.1 0.6,-1 1.1,-1 2.5,0.1 0.9,0.8 2.4,1.4 3.3,1.4 1.2,0 1.7,1.4 2.1,5.9 0.5,5.9 2.6,8.8 3.2,4.4 0.4,-2.5 3.8,-3.9 3.8,-1.6 0,0.8 1.4,2.7 3,4.3 1.6,1.6 3,3.6 3,4.5 0,2.6 -3.6,5.3 -6.1,4.7 -1.2,-0.3 -3.2,0.1 -4.5,1 -2.3,1.5 -2.4,1.5 -2.4,-1.1 z m -493.2,0.7 c -1,-0.2 -1.8,-0.9 -1.8,-1.4 0,-1.5 4.9,-4.2 6.4,-3.6 1.4,0.5 1.8,4.7 0.4,4.7 -0.4,0 -1.3,0.2 -2,0.4 -0.7,0.2 -2.1,0.2 -3.1,-0.1 z m 314.2,-13.9 c -2.6,-1 -3.5,-1.9 -3.5,-3.6 0,-1.8 -0.6,-2.3 -2.2,-2.3 -2.8,0.1 -4,-4 -1.8,-6.2 0.8,-0.8 1.5,-2 1.5,-2.5 0,-0.6 1.5,-0.1 3.4,1.1 4.2,2.6 4.6,2.6 3.9,0.1 -0.7,-2.8 1.2,-2.5 2.5,0.4 0.9,1.9 1.6,2.3 3.8,1.9 2.6,-0.5 4.4,0.9 4.5,3.3 0,1.3 -6.9,9.5 -7.8,9.3 -0.4,-0.1 -2.2,-0.7 -4.2,-1.4 z m 59,-9.5 c 0,-0.5 -0.6,-1 -1.4,-1 -0.8,0 -1.7,-0.7 -2,-1.6 -0.4,-1.2 -0.2,-1.4 0.9,-1 0.9,0.3 1.5,0 1.5,-0.8 0,-1.6 -2.7,-2.9 -3.2,-1.5 -0.6,1.7 -3.8,-0.2 -3.8,-2.2 0,-2 1.6,-2.6 6.8,-2.8 1.9,-0.1 3.3,0.3 3.3,1 0,0.7 0.7,0.5 1.8,-0.5 1,-0.9 2.3,-1.7 2.9,-1.7 1.4,0 2.5,2.9 1.6,4.3 -1.6,2.7 -3.7,4.6 -4.5,4.1 -0.5,-0.3 -0.8,0.4 -0.8,1.4 0,1.1 -0.7,2.2 -1.5,2.5 -0.8,0.3 -1.5,0.1 -1.5,-0.4 z m 13.7,-0.7 c -0.4,-0.6 -1.4,-0.9 -2.2,-0.6 -0.8,0.3 -1.5,0.1 -1.5,-0.6 0,-1.6 2.9,-2.5 4.2,-1.3 0.6,0.6 0.9,1.6 0.6,2.3 -0.3,0.9 -0.6,1 -1.1,0.1 z m 4.3,-0.3 c 0,-2.1 1.3,-3.8 2.6,-3.3 0.8,0.3 1.4,0 1.4,-0.6 0,-0.8 0.5,-0.8 1.9,-0.1 2.1,1.1 3.1,-0.3 3.1,-4 0,-1.5 0.7,-1.9 3,-1.9 2.9,0 4,1.3 2.1,2.4 -0.5,0.3 -0.7,1.5 -0.3,2.7 0.5,1.8 0.2,2.1 -1.7,1.6 -1.6,-0.4 -2.9,0.1 -4.7,2 -1.5,1.6 -2.4,2.1 -2.4,1.2 0,-0.8 -0.3,-1 -0.8,-0.4 -0.9,1.2 -4.2,1.6 -4.2,0.5 z m 1,-9.5 c -0.7,-0.8 -1.9,-1.5 -2.6,-1.5 -2.7,0 -1.3,-1.8 1.8,-2.4 3.7,-0.7 5.9,0.7 5.1,3.4 -0.6,2.3 -2.6,2.5 -4.3,0.5 z m 15.4,-1.9 c -0.8,-2 1.9,-6.3 4,-6.3 1.1,0 1.6,1 1.6,3.3 0,1.8 -0.4,3.3 -0.9,3.3 -0.5,0 -1.6,0.3 -2.5,0.6 -0.9,0.4 -1.8,0 -2.2,-1 z m -5.4,-1.2 c 0,-1.8 2.2,-1.5 2.8,0.4 0.2,0.7 -0.3,1.2 -1.2,1.2 -0.9,0 -1.6,-0.7 -1.6,-1.6 z m -11.5,-3.3 c -0.3,-0.5 0.3,-1.2 1.4,-1.6 1.1,-0.4 2,-1.3 2,-2.1 0,-1.7 2.6,-1.9 3.6,-0.3 0.4,0.7 -0.3,2 -1.6,3 -2.5,2 -4.6,2.4 -5.5,0.9 z";

Then, add the path to the paper object and give it some attributes so that it has a color and border color.

var map=paper.path(map_path).attr({fill: 'gray', stroke: 'white'}).scale(scale, scale, 0, 0);

3. Add locations to represent cities around the world

At this point, we’ve created a beautiful map, but it is a little drab. Adding location markers will give the map some color. First, create a set for all the location markers:

var location_set=paper.set();

A set makes it possible to group similar elements. This makes it easy to apply attributes and event handlers to all elements of the same type at once.

Next, we need data for each location. We’ll store this information in the variable locations:

var locations={
 0: {
  name: 'Paris',
  lat: 48.866666670,
  lng: 2.333333333,
  color: 'violet',
  url: '',
  img: 'paris'

Each location should contain the name of the location, its geographic coordinates, and its color. For each location, save a 150px square image to the img subdirectory. Then add the image’s name as the img property and add the url for the full image as the url property. Make sure that latitude and longitude are in decimal form. Locations in the Western and Southern hemispheres should be negative.

The images you have saved

We will iterate over every location and create a corresponding location marker on the map.

for (var location in locations){
 var loc=locations[location];
 var xy=get_xy(, loc.lng);
 var, xy.y, 10).attr({fill: loc.color, stroke: 'white', 'stroke-width': 2}).scale(scale, scale, 0, 0);;

For each location marker, the latitude and longitude needs to be transformed into x and y coordinates using?the function get_xy():

function get_xy(lat, lng){var mapWidth=2058;var mapHeight=1746;var factor=.404;var x_adj=-391;var y_adj=37;var x = (mapWidth*(180+lng)/360)%mapWidth+(mapWidth/2);var latRad = lat*Math.PI/180;var mercN = Math.log(Math.tan((Math.PI/4)+(latRad/2)));var y = (mapHeight/2)-(mapWidth*mercN/(2*Math.PI));return { x: x*factor+x_adj, y: y*factor+y_adj}}

The creation and calibration of this function is outside of the scope of this tutorial, but is described here. The function is also in readable form (with comments) in the source. The process is somewhat complicated because a 3-dimensional world can be projected onto a 2-dimensional space a number of different ways.

Given the x, y coordinates, it’s straightforward to add a circle to the Raphael paper. We’ll give the circle a radius of 10. Similar to the rectangle and path, the locations are assigned colors using the attr method. The name, x/y coordinates, and photo data for each location is attached to the Raphael element so that it can be easily referenced later. Each location is pushed into the location_set so that all locations can be manipulated as a group.

4. Add event listeners to the location markers to make the map interactive

The map is colorful now, but is still static. The real power of Raphael.js is its ability to make elements interactive. In this example, we’ll make hovering over a location highlight its border, display its name elsewhere on the webpage, and show a thumbnail image of the city. Clicking on the city will redirect the user to Flickr to see the full image. To make this possible, add:

<h1 id="location_name">Hover over a city to see its name</h1>

above the map div in the index.html file. Next, select this element by id with JavaScript:

var name = document.getElementById('location_name');

this will make it possible to dynamically manipulate the h1 text.

Making the map interactive

To make the locations interactive, we simply add event listeners that call a corresponding function when an element in the location_set is hovered or clicked.

location_set.hover(over, out);;

When an element is hovered, the function over() is called. Using this to access the Raphael location element, it is easy to change the location’s attributes. Upon hover, the stroke-width of the element increases by 50% to 3. A thumbnail of the city’s photo is displayed. And, the h1 element on the page is changed to the name of the location.

function over(){
  this.attr({'stroke-width': 3});
  image_array[]=paper.image('img/'+this.img+'.jpg', this.x+8, this.y-160, 150, 150).scale(scale, scale, 0, 0);;

when the mouse leaves a location, the thumbnail disappears and the stroke width and h1 element revert to their original state.

function out(){
  this.attr({'stroke-width': 2});
  name.innerHTML='Hover over a city to see its name';

Clicking on a location calls the function click(). In this example, clicking redirects the user to the Flickr page corresponding to the city’s photo (as defined earlier). However, it would be straightforward to change this function to add more interactive elements to your page.

function click(){
  window.location.href = this.url;

Hopefully, this tutorial gives you a taste of what is possible with Raphael.js and inspires you to start creating your own interactive animations.

Guest Post Author

Chris Youderian is the founder of which sells advanced interactive maps that are very easy to customize and install. He enjoys programming in JavaScript and improving his maps. This summer he hopes to play a lot of basketball and catch some beautiful trout.


Clean place
Jun 1, 2013 at 6:16 am

Hello !
This is awesome tutorial. I really liked the way you describe each and every step.
This would be an interactive map. Thanks you for the sharing its coding.
Clean place

game avatar
Jun 2, 2013 at 5:06 am

thank you, like

Jun 2, 2013 at 10:03 pm

It’s pretty cool and awesome. I really like this map js.

Justin Y.
Jun 5, 2013 at 11:42 pm

Tried to click on the first image in your demo but looks like you have 404. Do you have a working demo of the map? Thanks!

Jun 12, 2013 at 5:10 pm

The demo is at:

Jun 6, 2013 at 2:47 am

Very interesting map, the demo works just fine! I will try it with some cool map design :) thanks

Jun 7, 2013 at 12:52 pm

Thanks. I loved it :)

Jun 8, 2013 at 5:20 am

Thanks , I loving it..)
I’m enjoyed this post.

Jun 10, 2013 at 5:59 pm

Great work! thanks for share it :) I love it.

Jun 13, 2013 at 7:54 am

I love travelling so I might actually use this to show where i’ve travelled so far and where i would like to go.

Cloudburst Design
Jun 13, 2013 at 9:45 am

What perfect timing! I was just on the search for something exactly like this for a project we are working on. Thank you!

Dillon McCallum
Jun 15, 2013 at 2:45 am

This is rad, I wish I had this a few weeks back when I did a similar project. Thanks!

Jun 19, 2013 at 6:23 am

I can definitely see where this little gem can be used for. thanks for the tutorial!

Jun 19, 2013 at 2:08 pm

Great tutorial! I’ve been looking for something like this, thanks!

Jun 20, 2013 at 10:55 am

Excellent tutorials. Java script will be the next generation language !

Jul 3, 2013 at 12:49 pm

Yap, the new SVG Features are awesome. Libraries like D3.js open a new galaxy of opportunities

Jun 20, 2013 at 7:41 pm

I’m rebuilding my travel website and downloaded a couple of scripts for interactive maps, spent time getting them set up only to realize they were not going to let me do what I needed them to. This one is exactly what I was looking for and it comes with instructions yet! Thank you so much!

Jun 26, 2013 at 9:12 am

It gives a great map functionality to my client’s website. Thanks for sharing it.

Justin Gilbert
Jun 28, 2013 at 2:52 pm

Looks similar to the idea behind the upcoming Google Glass’s ability to look at a building and see images, reviews, etc on that location.

Rare Form
Jun 30, 2013 at 11:38 am

Fantastic, thanks for this. Love your tutorials.

Jul 1, 2013 at 9:20 am

Hello !
This is awesome detailed post. This idea is interesting. I really liked this post.
Moreover, I desperately needed such kind of idea. The hover on the city name is interesting.

Nivetha Rajan
Jul 1, 2013 at 11:11 pm

wow, very interesting things here….. thanks for these.

George Brountzas
Jul 2, 2013 at 6:23 am

Great tutorial. I am trying to implement a similar project right now and your directions are fully understandable. Thank you!

Jul 5, 2013 at 10:34 am

it is easy to change the location’s attributes. Upon hover, the stroke-width of the element increases by 50% to 3.

Chiropractor San Jose
Jul 18, 2013 at 12:27 am

Great demo. Thanks for the tutorial.

référencement grenoble
Jul 19, 2013 at 5:19 am

JQuery is sooooo powerful ! Added with some others Gmaps plugins, you can do such interactives maps with this one !

ECommerce Design Toronto
Jul 26, 2013 at 6:41 am

This is awesome tutorial. This would be an interactive map. and your tips for programming in JavaScript and improving his maps are very useful.

porselen diş
Jul 27, 2013 at 3:39 am

Do you have country coordinate data stored somewhere?

If so setting up functions to parse through the passed in data and create 250+ paths should not be that large.

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