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This is an example of a simple login page, designed using CSS, Html, and Bootstrap framework 4. The CSS styles and fonts are imported to the code using their URLs. The form is given a width of 350px and a margin of 50px auto. The form consists of input text fields to enter user name and password, 'Remember me' checkbox, and 'Forgot Password' and "Create Account' links to other forms. The login card is given a background color of #f7f7f7, and a box-shadow style of 0px 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3). The information card title is given a margin value of 0 0 15px. The card information is displayed using a font-size of 15px. The 'Login' button is created as a primary type button and given the styles of font-size as 15px, and font-weight as bold to highlight the button name. Source: https://www.tutorialrepublic.com/codelab.php?topic=bootstrap&file=simple-login-form
This is an example of a registration form, designed using JavaScript, Html, CSS, and Bootstrap framework 4. The form consists of input text fields and a 'Sign Up' button. JavaScript methods have been used to implement the functionality of the input text fields. The information container is given a border style of 1px solid #dadce0. The header is displayed with the styles of font-size as .875rem, font color as #3c4043, and font-weight as 500. The 'Sign Up' button is given a border color of #dadce0. On hover, the button changes its background color to #f6f9fe, and border-color to #d2e3f. In the active mode, it takes a background color of #e4eefd and a border color of #d2e3fc. The input text fields are given a border style of ed4da, and the input text is displayed using a font-size of .875rem, and a line-height of 1.5. The input text fields take a border value of #4285f4, and a box-shadow inset 0px 0px 0px 1px #4285f4, when they are focused. https://mdbootstrap.com/snippets/jquery/bartek-malanowski/280980#html-tab-view
This is an example of a registration web page, designed using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap framework 4. The table consists of an information container, search bar, navbar, input text fields, and 'Signup' button. The background image is imported to the code with its URL. The information card is given a background color of rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85). Media quarries have been used to increase the responsiveness of the form. The concept of Lists has been used with UL and LI components. UL element has been used with the child elements of LI to display the child elements of the navbar, in an orderly manner. The font-weight of the section headers is set as bold to highlight the text. The users are given the ability to login with social media logins as well. The 'Signup' button is created as a rounded button from Html. Source: https://mdbootstrap.com/snippets/jquery/mdbootstrap/49383#js-tab-view
This is an example of an admin dashboard interface, designed using CSS, Html, JavaScript, and Bootstrap framework 4. The form consists of a navbar, sidebar, search bar, input text fields, and a date-picker. The concept of Lists has been used with UL and LI components. UL element has been used with the child elements of LI to display the child elements of the sidebar, in an orderly manner. The JavaScript methods have been used to implement the functionality of the sidebar and the date-picker. The body of the form is given a background color as #A9A9A9. The search bar is given a border-top and a border-bottom style of 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3). The sidebar item is created as collapsible items, and given a side wave effect from Html, on a focus event. Source: https://mdbootstrap.com/snippets/jquery/krzysztof-wilk/314029#js-tab-view
This is an example of another data table layout, designed using Html, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap framework 4. The font style has been imported to the code with its URL. The title of the table is given a style set of font-size as 30px, font color as #fff, text-transform as uppercase to automatically convert the text to uppercase, font-weight as 300, text-align as center, and margin-bottom as 20px. The table header is given a background color as rgba(255,255,255,0.3). The body of the form is given the styles of background as linear-gradient(to right, #25c481, #25b7c4), and the font-family as 'Roboto', sans-serif. The table header has the styles of padding as 20px 15px, text-align as center, font-weight as 500, font-size as 20px, font color as #fff, and text-transform as uppercase. The table data is displayed with a style set of text-align as center, vertical-align as middle, font-weight as 300, font-size as 18px, font color as #fff, and border-bottom as solid 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.1). Source: https://mdbootstrap.com/snippets/jquery/berika_tavadze/462110#js-tab-view
This is an example of a table layout with a fixed table header, designed using Html, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap framework 4. The font style is imported to the code with its URL. The table consists of a fixed header and five data columns. The body of the form is given the styles of background as linear-gradient(to right, #25c481, #25b7c4), and the font-family as 'Roboto', sans-serif. The title of the table is displayed using the styles of font-size as 30px, font color as #fff, text-transform as uppercase to automatically convert the text to uppercase, font-weight as 300, text-align as center, and margin-bottom as 15px. The table header is given a background color as rgba(255,255,255,0.3). The table header has the styles of text-align as left, font-weight as 500, font-size as 12px, font color as #fff, and text-transform as uppercase. The table is also given a scroll bar. Source: https://mdbootstrap.com/snippets/jquery/berika_tavadze/461964#js-tab-view
This is an example of a simple product details page, designed using CSS, Html, and Bootstrap framework 4. The form consists of a sidebar with hover effects, a header, and a product description given in a paragraph. The product image which has been used as the background image is imported to the code with its URL. The details container is given a margin-top as 8%, and a margin-left as 10%. The background-size of the form is defined as cover. The header is displayed using a font-size of 60px, and a font-weight as bold to highlight the text. It is given a margin-top value of 5%. The product details paragraph is displayed using a font-size of 16px. The sidebar items take the font color of gray, in a hover event. Source: https://mdbootstrap.com/snippets/jquery/krzysztof-wilk/1241435#js-tab-view
This is an example of a testimonial card layout, designed using CSS, Html, and Bootstrap framework 4. The testimonial card consists of the profile image, profile details sections, and a navbar to scroll through user details, user email id, and web page. The profile image and logo are imported to the code with its URL. The image is given height and a width of 200. The form is given a background color of #d7ccc8. The details are justified and centered. The user name is displayed using a letter-spacing of 15px, and two font colors: #bcaaa4 to display the surname and #d7ccc8 to display the first name. The designation of the user is displayed using a letter-spacing of 5px. The content section is displayed with a font color of #8d6e63. The bottom section of the testimonial card consists of a navbar, created using toggle buttons. Source: https://mdbootstrap.com/snippets/jquery/krzysztof-wilk/1527271#js-tab-view